C++ Annotations
This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transition to, C++. This document is...
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1158 pages
2024-05-27 Published

This open access book is a modern guide for all C++ programmers to learn Threading Building Blocks (TBB). Written by TBB and parallel programming experts, this book reflects their collective...
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820 pages
2019-07-10 Published

Architecture of Advanced Numerical Analysis Systems
This unique open access book applies the functional OCaml programming language to numerical or computational weighted data science, engineering, and scientific applications. This book is based on the authors' first-hand...
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485 pages
2022-12-27 Published

Data Parallel C++, 2nd Edition
"This book, now in is second edition, is the premier resource to learn SYCL 2020 and is the ONLY book you need to become part of this community." Erik Lindahl, GROMACS...
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660 pages
2023-10-04 Published

Technology in Schools
My purpose in writing this book is to give readers a view into the work of managing information technology in schools. IT professionals will notice differences (some nuanced and some...
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174 pages
2022-04-28 Published

Programming Persistent Memory
Beginning and experienced programmers will use this comprehensive guide to persistent memory programming. You will understand how persistent memory brings together several new software/hardware requirements, and offers great promise for...
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469 pages
2020-01-10 Published

Speaking JavaScript
This book has been written for programmers, by a programmer. In order to understand it, you should already know object-oriented programming, for example, via a mainstream programming language such as...
1 like counts
458 pages
2014-04-22 Published

1 Page Python Book
1 Page Python Book, is a guide to learn python programming. Precise code examples and broken down explanations, neatly organised into chapters. Provides links to external resources for supplementary reading...
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179 pages
2021-01-31 Published

Architecture Patterns with Python
As Python continues to grow in popularity, projects are becoming larger and more complex. Many Python developers are taking an interest in high-level software design patterns such as hexagonal/clean architecture,...
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276 pages
2020-04-30 Published

Test–Driven Development with Python, 2nd Edition
By taking you through the development of a real web application from beginning to end, the second edition of this hands-on guide demonstrates the practical advantages of test-driven development (TDD)...
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604 pages
2017-08-18 Published

Programming Basics with C#
The free book "Programming Basics with C#" (https://csharp-book.softuni.org) is a comprehensive entry level computer programming tutorial for absolute beginners that teaches basics of coding (variables and data, conditional statements, loops...
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405 pages
2019-05-01 Published

Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)
Deep learning is a form of machine learning that enables computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts. Because the computer gathers...
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800 pages
2017-01-03 Published