The Pedagogies of Re-Use
The Pedagogies of Re-Use captures the amazing digital gathering of students, academics, practitioners, and activists that happened at the International School of Re-Construction. Involving over 100 people, from countries as...
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236 pages
2024-06-28 Published

An Introduction to Proof via Inquiry-Based Learning
An Introduction to Proof via Inquiry-Based Learning is a textbook for the transition to proof course for mathematics majors. Designed to promote active learning through inquiry, the book features a highly...
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150 pages
2024-01-08 Published

Athena Unbound
A clear-eyed examination of the open access movement: past history, current conflicts, and future possibilities. Open access (OA) could one day put the sum of human knowledge at our fingertips....
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360 pages
2023-04-04 Published

Constructing Student Mobility
How universities in the US and South Korea compete for global student markets—and how university financials shape students' lives. The popular image of the international student in the American imagination...
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216 pages
2023-04-11 Published

Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials
This open access comprehensive methodological book offers a much-needed answer to the lack of resources and methodological guidance in learning analytics, which has been a problem ever since the field...
2 like counts
736 pages
2024-07-26 Published

Advanced High School Statistics, 3rd Edition
The mission of OpenIntro is to make educational products that are free, transparent, and lower barriers to education. Teachers can rest easy with our textbook, knowing that students can easily access the...
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529 pages
2022-08-01 Published

Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences
Introduction to Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences has been written to be used in conjunction with a set of self-paced learning labs. These labs guide students through learning how...
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472 pages
2021-08-08 Published

Religion, Education, Science and Technology towards a More Inclusive and Sustainable Future
This book addresses topics relating to religion, education, science, and technology, and explore their role in developing a more inclusive and sustainable future. With discussions viewed through the lenses of...
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294 pages
2024-02-28 Published

Evidence-based Software Engineering
This book discusses what is currently known about software engineering, based on an analysis of all the publicly available data. This aim is not as ambitious as it sounds, because there is not...
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455 pages
2022-02-03 Published

A Practical Theory of Programming
There are several theories of programming. The first usable theory, often called "Hoare's Logic", is still probably the most widely known. In it, a specification is a pair of predicates:...
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257 pages
2024-06-28 Published

Programming Basics with C#
The free book "Programming Basics with C#" (https://csharp-book.softuni.org) is a comprehensive entry level computer programming tutorial for absolute beginners that teaches basics of coding (variables and data, conditional statements, loops...
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405 pages
2019-05-01 Published

Algorithmic Rights and Protections for Children
Essays on the challenges and risks of designing algorithms and platforms for children, with an emphasis on algorithmic justice, learning, and equity. One in three Internet users worldwide is a...
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292 pages
2023-06-27 Published