Theory of the Integral
This text is intended as a treatise for a rigorous course introducing the elements of integration theory on the real line. All of the important features of the Riemann integral,...
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422 pages
2013-02-10 Published

The Calculus Integral
An elementary introduction to integration theory on the real line. This is at the level of an honor's course in calculus or a first undergraduate level real analysis course. In...
1 like counts
304 pages
2010-05-27 Published

Elementary Real Analysis, 2nd Edition
This is the second edition of the text Elementary Real Analysis originally published by Prentice Hall (Pearson) in 2001. Additional elementary material designated as enrichment can be included for students with minimal...
1 like counts
684 pages
2008-04-07 Published

Mathematical Discovery
This is a book about mathematics appreciation via discovery, rather than about practical mathematics. It considers several problems that don't appear to be amenable to ordinary arithmetic, algebraic or geometric...
0 like counts
268 pages
2011-09-29 Published