Probabilistic Machine Learning
A detailed and up-to-date introduction to machine learning, presented through the unifying lens of probabilistic modeling and Bayesian decision theory. This book offers a detailed and up-to-date introduction to machine...
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944 pages
2022-02-01 Published

Mathematical Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms
The mathematical theory of machine learning not only explains the current algorithms but can also motivate principled approaches for the future. This self-contained textbook introduces students and researchers of AI...
1 like counts
479 pages
2023-08-10 Published

Introductory Statistics, 2nd Edition
Introductory Statistics, 2nd Edition provides an engaging, practical, and thorough overview of the core concepts and skills taught in most one-semester statistics courses. The text focuses on diverse applications from a...
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846 pages
2023-12-14 Published

Evolution On Purpose
A unique exploration of teleonomy—also known as “evolved purposiveness”—as a major influence in evolution by a broad range of specialists in biology and the philosophy of science. The evolved purposiveness...
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400 pages
2023-08-22 Published

Person, Thing, Robot
Why robots defy our existing moral and legal categories and how to revolutionize the way we think about them. Robots are a curious sort of thing. On the one hand,...
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240 pages
2023-09-05 Published

Computational Thinking Curricula in K–12
An international overview of how policy makers, curriculum developers, and school practitioners can integrate computational thinking into K–12 curricula. In today's digital society, computational thinking (CT) is a critical component...
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328 pages
2024-05-21 Published

No Heavenly Bodies
The compelling and little-known history of satellite communications that reveals the Soviet and Eastern European roles in the development of its infrastructure. Taking its title from Hannah Arendt's description of...
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256 pages
2023-11-28 Published

A Place for Science and Technology Studies
An exploration of science and technology studies in eight different places, and the possibilities that arise for observation, intervention, and collaboration. Where does science and technology studies (STS) belong? In A...
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240 pages
2024-01-09 Published

From Geometry to Behavior
An overview of the mechanisms and evolution of spatial cognition, integrating evidence from psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and computational geometry. Understanding how we deal with space requires input from many...
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328 pages
2024-01-23 Published

The Cognitive Life of Maps
The “mapness of maps”—how maps live in interaction with their users, and what this tells us about what they are and how they work. In a sense, maps are temporarily...
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272 pages
2024-05-14 Published

The Elephant and the Blind
An engaging and insightful journey into human consciousness. What if our goal had not been to land on Mars, but in pure consciousness? The experience of pure consciousness—what does it...
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608 pages
2024-02-06 Published

Making Modern Medical Ethics
The little-known stories of the people responsible for what we know today as modern medical ethics. In Making Modern Medical Ethics, Robert Baker tells the counter history of the birth of bioethics,...
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368 pages
2024-02-20 Published