Linear Controller Design
The main topic of the book is closed-loop design and the computation of performance limits using convexity. The book introduces a standard framework for the control design problem and describes...
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464 pages
1991-01-01 Published

Person, Thing, Robot
Why robots defy our existing moral and legal categories and how to revolutionize the way we think about them. Robots are a curious sort of thing. On the one hand,...
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240 pages
2023-09-05 Published

Making Meaning with Machines
A rigorous primer in movement studies for designers, engineers, and scientists that draws on the fields of dance and robotics. How should a gestural interface react to a “flick” versus...
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418 pages
2023-10-10 Published

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 4
The Raspberry Pi is loved the world over by educators and makers thanks to it’s tiny size and endless possibilities. We’ve managed to stuff the fourth edition of the official...
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201 pages
2018-10-01 Published