Topic: Mechanics

Manifold Learning

Manifold Learning

This Open Access book reviews recent theoretical and numerical developments in nonlinear model order reduction in continuum mechanics, being addressed to Master and PhD students, as well as to researchers,...
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117 pages
2024-02-21 Published
The Science-Music Borderlands

The Science-Music Borderlands

Interdisciplinary essays on music psychology that integrate scientific, humanistic, and artistic ways of knowing in transformative ways. Researchers using scientific methods and approaches to advance our understanding of music and...
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408 pages
2023-05-02 Published
1: Noticing Movement: Meaning, Measurement, and Experience 2: Studying Movement: Somatics, Choreography, and Notation 3: Constructing Movement: Somatic Strategies, Choreographic Technologies, and Notational Abstractions through a Laban/Bartenieff Lens 4: What Is Moving? The Interconnection of Body Parts and Action (Body) 5: Where Is the Movement? Spatial Fiducials for Movement (Space) 6: When Is the Movement Happening? The Temporal Perception of Movement (Time) 7: For Whom Is the Movement? The Relationship between Mover and Environment (Shape) 8: How Is the Movement Executed? Movement Quality Enables Shading of Motion (Effort) 9: Deconstructing Movement: Case Studies in Expression (Answering “Why?”) 10: Notating Movement: Advanced Analysis through Symbolic Representation

Making Meaning with Machines

A rigorous primer in movement studies for designers, engineers, and scientists that draws on the fields of dance and robotics. How should a gestural interface react to a “flick” versus...
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418 pages
2023-10-10 Published