Precalculus, Preliminary 4th Edition
Please note: this is preliminary (unedited) edition. You can download the third corrected edition from the following link: Precalculus: Trigonometry Precalculus: College Algebra
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1447 pages
2024-01-15 Published

APEX Calculus, 4th Edition
APEX: Affordable Print and Electronic TeXtbooks APEX Calculus, 4th Edition Paperback include 3 volumes: APEX Calculus 1, ISBN10: 1719219591 APEX Calculus 2, ISBN10: 1719263388 APEX Calculus 3, ISBN10: 1719263663
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972 pages
2021-04-13 Published

Precalculus: Trigonometry
The Precalculus book consists of two parts: College Algebra and College Trigonometry. College Algebra 3rd Corrected Edition, Chapters 1-9 of Precalculus College Trigonometry 3rd Corrected Edition, Chapters 10-11 of Precalculus...
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398 pages
2023-06-11 Published

Precalculus: College Algebra
The Precalculus book consists of two parts: College Algebra and College Trigonometry. College Algebra 3rd Corrected Edition, Chapters 1-9 of Precalculus College Trigonometry 3rd Corrected Edition, Chapters 10-11 of Precalculus...
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716 pages
2023-06-11 Published

Notes on Diffy Qs
An introductory course on differential equations aimed at engineers. The book covers first order ODEs, higher order linear ODEs, systems of ODEs, Fourier series and PDEs, eigenvalue problems, the Laplace...
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466 pages
2024-05-15 Published

Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Written in a clear and accurate language that students can understand, Trench's new book minimizes the number of explicitly stated theorems and definitions. Instead, he deals with concepts in a...
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807 pages
2013-12-28 Published

Elementary Differential Equations
This text has been written in clear and accurate language that students can read and comprehend. The author has minimized the number of explicitly state theorems and definitions, in favor...
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664 pages
2013-12-28 Published

Linear Controller Design
The main topic of the book is closed-loop design and the computation of performance limits using convexity. The book introduces a standard framework for the control design problem and describes...
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464 pages
1991-01-01 Published

Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory
In this book the authors reduce a wide variety of problems arising in system and control theory to a handful of convex and quasiconvex optimization problems that involve linear matrix...
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203 pages
1994-01-01 Published

Calculus in Context
For courses currently engaged, or leaning toward calculus reform. Callahan fully embraces the calculus reform movement in technology and pedagogy, while taking it a step further with a unique organization...
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922 pages
2008-02-01 Published

Active Calculus Multivariable
Active Calculus Multivariable is different from most existing texts in at least the following ways: The style of the text requires students to be active learners; there are very few...
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308 pages
2018-07-30 Published

Active Calculus Single Variable Workbook for Chapters 5-8
This is the activities workbook for Active Calculus chapters 5-8. It includes only the activities from the full textbook and offers lots of place to write with each activity starting...
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207 pages
2018-08-11 Published