Principles of Management by OpenStax
Anastasia H. Cortes, David S. Bright, Donald G. Gardner, Eva Hartmann, James S. O’Rourke, Jason Lambert, Jeffrey Muldoon, Jon L. Pierce, Joseph Weiss, Joy Leopold, K. Praveen Parboteeah, Laura M. Leduc, Margaret A. White, Monique Reece Amit Shah, Siri Terjesen
Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. This is a traditional approach to management using the leading, planning, organizing, and...
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672 pages
2024-01-09 Published

Principles of Marketing by OpenStax
Principles of Marketing is designed to meet the scope and sequence for a one-semester marketing course for undergraduate business majors and minors. Principles of Marketing provides a solid grounding in the core concepts...
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711 pages
2023-01-25 Published

Selling the American People
How marketers learned to dream of optimization and speak in the idiom of management science well before the widespread use of the Internet. Algorithms, data extraction, digital marketers monetizing "eyeballs":...
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348 pages
2023-07-18 Published