A lively account of a controversial technology developed to mitigate earthquake risk and change how we live with threatening environments. The Sistema de Alerta Sísmica Mexicano is the world's oldest...
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224 pages
2023-04-11 Published

101 creative ideas to use AI in education
This open crowdsourced collection by #creativeHE presents a rich tapestry of our collective thinking in the first months of 2023 stitching together potential alternative uses and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that...
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252 pages
2023-09-12 Published

Constructing Student Mobility
How universities in the US and South Korea compete for global student markets—and how university financials shape students' lives. The popular image of the international student in the American imagination...
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216 pages
2023-04-11 Published

Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials
This open access comprehensive methodological book offers a much-needed answer to the lack of resources and methodological guidance in learning analytics, which has been a problem ever since the field...
2 like counts
736 pages
2024-07-26 Published

To Know Is to Compare
How systematic comparative research can unlock the potential of social media scholarship. Though diverse and fruitful, social media scholarship too often focuses on single platforms in single countries, disconnected from...
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224 pages
2023-04-18 Published

Advanced High School Statistics, 3rd Edition
The mission of OpenIntro is to make educational products that are free, transparent, and lower barriers to education. Teachers can rest easy with our textbook, knowing that students can easily access the...
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529 pages
2022-08-01 Published

Religion, Education, Science and Technology towards a More Inclusive and Sustainable Future
This book addresses topics relating to religion, education, science, and technology, and explore their role in developing a more inclusive and sustainable future. With discussions viewed through the lenses of...
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294 pages
2024-02-28 Published

Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Written in a clear and accurate language that students can understand, Trench's new book minimizes the number of explicitly stated theorems and definitions. Instead, he deals with concepts in a...
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807 pages
2013-12-28 Published

Elementary Differential Equations
This text has been written in clear and accurate language that students can read and comprehend. The author has minimized the number of explicitly state theorems and definitions, in favor...
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664 pages
2013-12-28 Published

Principles of Knowledge Auditing
A comprehensive theoretical and practical guide to the operating principles of knowledge auditing, illustrated with numerous case studies. A knowledge audit provides an “at a glance” view of an organization's...
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392 pages
2023-05-02 Published

Efficacious Technology Management
This book describes efficacious school technology as that which is used for educationally appropriate purposes, is properly configured to be robust and reliable, and is aligned with local expectations, so...
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212 pages
2017-12-04 Published

Technology in Schools
My purpose in writing this book is to give readers a view into the work of managing information technology in schools. IT professionals will notice differences (some nuanced and some...
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174 pages
2022-04-28 Published