From Sensing to Sentience
A new theory of Neurobiological Emergentism that explains how sentience emerges from the brain. Sentience is the feeling aspect of consciousness. In From Sensing to Sentience, Todd Feinberg develops a new theory called Neurobiological Emergentism (NBE) thatintegrates...
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216 pages
2024-10-01 Published

The Science-Music Borderlands
Interdisciplinary essays on music psychology that integrate scientific, humanistic, and artistic ways of knowing in transformative ways. Researchers using scientific methods and approaches to advance our understanding of music and...
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408 pages
2023-05-02 Published

Just in Time
Literature and neuroscience come together to illuminate the human experience of beauty, which unfolds in time. How does beauty exist in time? This is Gabrielle Starr's central concern in Just in...
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256 pages
2023-06-06 Published

Context Changes Everything
From the influential author of Dynamics in Action, how the concepts of constraints provide a way to rethink relationships, opening the way to intentional, meaningful causation. Grounding her work in the...
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280 pages
2023-06-20 Published

Open Minded
A provocative look at the unconscious mind that challenges contemporary perceptions and exposes the indefensible science that fostered them. How much of a role does the unconscious play in our...
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232 pages
2023-08-08 Published

What Makes Us Social?
A deep dive into the social mind-brain, examining the processes we share with other social animals and illuminating those that are uniquely human. What Makes Us Social? is a scholarly but...
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432 pages
2023-09-28 Published

Expanding Mindscapes
The first collection of its kind to explore the diverse and global history of psychedelics as they appealed to several generations of researchers and thinkers. Expanding Mindscapes offers a fascinatingly fluid...
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544 pages
2023-11-21 Published

From Geometry to Behavior
An overview of the mechanisms and evolution of spatial cognition, integrating evidence from psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and computational geometry. Understanding how we deal with space requires input from many...
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328 pages
2024-01-23 Published

The Elephant and the Blind
An engaging and insightful journey into human consciousness. What if our goal had not been to land on Mars, but in pure consciousness? The experience of pure consciousness—what does it...
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608 pages
2024-02-06 Published