Artificial Intelligence Technology
This open access book aims to give our readers a basic outline of today’s research and technology developments on artificial intelligence (AI), help them to have a general understanding of...
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311 pages
2022-10-22 Published

Cloud Computing Technology
This open access book introduces cloud computing and related technologies from the concept, technology, and architecture of cloud computing, combined with typical application cases of cloud; provides students with a...
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391 pages
2022-10-06 Published

Cloud-Based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine
This book guides its audience—which can range from novice users to experts— though a 55-chapter tour of Google Earth Engine. A sequenced and diverse set of lab materials, this is...
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1226 pages
2023-10-04 Published

How To Manage Remote Servers with Ansible
This book is designed to introduce you to using Ansible to manage your servers. You’ll learn how to install and configure Ansible on a control node, and then how to...
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71 pages
2021-02-17 Published