What is the difference between @RestController and @Controller in Spring Boot?

  • @Controller is used for MVC applications and returns HTML by default.
  • @Controller is used for RESTful APIs and returns JSON by default.
  • @RestController is used for MVC applications and returns HTML by default.
  • @RestController is used for RESTful APIs and returns JSON by default.
The key difference is that @RestController is specifically designed for RESTful APIs and returns data in JSON format by default, while @Controller is used for traditional MVC applications and returns HTML by default. Mixing them up can lead to unexpected results, so choosing the right annotation is crucial for the desired functionality.

When creating a Custom Validator in Spring Boot, the isValid method must return _____ to indicate whether the value meets the constraint.

  • TRUE
  • a boolean value
  • void
When creating a Custom Validator in Spring Boot, the isValid method must return void to indicate whether the value meets the constraint. The isValid method is used to perform the validation logic, and it should not return a boolean value directly. Instead, it should use the provided ConstraintValidatorContext to report validation errors.

How does the @Controller annotation interact with the view in a traditional Spring MVC application?

  • It communicates with the view by forwarding control to a specific view template based on the request mapping.
  • It directly renders the view by including the HTML/JSP content within the controller class.
  • It generates view templates dynamically based on user interactions.
  • It interacts with the view through AJAX requests only.
In a traditional Spring MVC application, the @Controller annotation is used to define a controller class that handles HTTP requests. It interacts with the view by forwarding control to a specific view template based on the request mapping defined in the controller method. The controller doesn't directly render HTML/JSP content or generate view templates dynamically; it simply controls the flow between the request and the view template. It can also handle AJAX requests if configured accordingly.

Which Java utility is primarily used for monitoring Java applications and troubleshoot performance issues?

  • JVM Profiler
  • Java Archive (JAR)
  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
  • JavaFX Scene Builder
The Java utility primarily used for monitoring Java applications and troubleshooting performance issues is a JVM Profiler. A JVM Profiler is a tool that allows you to gather detailed information about the runtime behavior of your Java application, including memory usage, CPU usage, method profiling, and more. Profilers like VisualVM, YourKit, and Java Mission Control (JMC) are popular choices for this purpose. JavaFX Scene Builder, Java Archive (JAR), and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) are not primarily used for monitoring and profiling Java applications.

What is the role of the @ControllerAdvice annotation in a Spring Boot application?

  • To define request mapping for a controller.
  • To handle exceptions at the controller level.
  • To specify the HTTP request method.
  • To declare a controller class.
The @ControllerAdvice annotation in a Spring Boot application is used to handle exceptions at the controller level. It allows you to define global exception handling logic that can be applied across multiple controllers. This is particularly useful for defining consistent error handling behavior in your application. The other options do not accurately describe the role of @ControllerAdvice.

When dealing with relationships in Spring Data JPA, the _____ annotation can be used to handle cascading operations between entities.

  • @Cascade
  • @CascadeOperation
  • @OneToMany
  • @Relationship
When dealing with relationships in Spring Data JPA, you can use the @Cascade annotation to handle cascading operations between entities. This annotation allows you to specify how related entities should be affected when changes occur in the parent entity. For example, you can use @Cascade to specify that when you delete a parent entity, its associated child entities should also be deleted, ensuring referential integrity.

What is the significance of the @SpringBootApplication annotation, and which annotations does it include implicitly?

  • @SpringBootApplication is used to define the main class of a Spring Boot application. It includes @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan.
  • @SpringBootApplication is used to configure external properties in a Spring Boot application. It includes @PropertySource and @Value.
  • @SpringBootApplication is used to enable Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) features. It includes @Aspect and @Pointcut.
  • @SpringBootApplication is used to define custom exception handling. It includes @ExceptionHandler and @ControllerAdvice.
The @SpringBootApplication annotation in Spring Boot is used to define the main class of a Spring Boot application. It includes several other annotations implicitly, including: @Configuration for defining application configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration for enabling automatic configuration based on classpath scanning, and @ComponentScan for scanning components and beans. These annotations work together to configure and bootstrap a Spring Boot application. The other options incorrectly describe the purpose and included annotations of @SpringBootApplication.

What is the role of the Init method in the Bean Lifecycle in Spring?

  • It is executed before the bean is destroyed, allowing for cleanup operations.
  • It is responsible for creating new beans in the Spring context.
  • It is responsible for destroying beans when they are no longer needed.
  • It is used to initialize the application context in a Spring Boot application.
The Init method, often annotated with @PostConstruct in Spring, plays a crucial role in the bean's lifecycle. It is executed after the bean's construction but before it's put into service. This provides an opportunity to perform initialization tasks, such as setting up resources, establishing database connections, or any other setup required before the bean is used. This method is particularly helpful when you need to ensure that a bean is in a valid and usable state when it's first accessed.

In a Spring application with multiple security configurations, how would you ensure that the security annotations on service methods are evaluated in the correct order to enforce the intended security constraints?

  • Use the @Order annotation on service methods
  • Ensure that security configurations are loaded in the correct order
  • The order of annotation evaluation is not controllable
  • Apply security annotations directly on controller methods
To ensure that security configurations are loaded in the correct order, you can use the @Order annotation (Option 1) on your security configuration classes. This allows you to specify the order in which they are loaded. The order of annotation evaluation is indeed controllable in Spring Security, and it's essential for enforcing security constraints correctly. The other options are not relevant for controlling configuration order.

In a Spring Security enabled project, which method is used to configure HTTP security?

  • configureSecurity()
  • configureHttpSecurity()
  • secureHttp()
  • httpSecurity()
In Spring Security, the method used to configure HTTP security is configure(HttpSecurity http). This method allows you to define security rules for HTTP requests, such as authentication, authorization, and access control. While the other options may sound plausible, configure(HttpSecurity http) is the standard method name for this purpose.