Can Bean Validation be applied to method parameters in Spring Boot, and if so, how?

  • No, Bean Validation can only be applied to class-level fields.
  • Yes, by annotating the method parameters with validation annotations like @Valid.
  • Yes, by creating a custom validation aspect and applying it to the methods that need validation.
  • Yes, by enabling the spring.validation.method property in the file.
Bean Validation can be applied to method parameters in Spring Boot by annotating the method parameters with validation annotations such as @Valid. This allows you to validate the input parameters of a method and apply validation rules to them.

What is the main advantage of using Spring Cloud Config Server in a microservices environment?

  • Centralized configuration management
  • Efficient data storage
  • Enhanced security features
  • Real-time monitoring capabilities
The primary advantage of using Spring Cloud Config Server in a microservices environment is centralized configuration management. It allows you to store configuration properties externally and manage them in a centralized manner, making it easier to update and maintain configurations across multiple services.

In Spring Data JPA, what is the primary role of the @Transactional annotation?

  • To configure caching mechanisms.
  • To define database schemas.
  • To manage database transactions.
  • To specify query parameters.
The primary role of the @Transactional annotation in Spring Data JPA is to manage database transactions. It marks a method, class, or even an interface to indicate that a transaction should be created and managed around the annotated method or methods. This ensures data consistency by committing changes if everything succeeds or rolling back if an exception occurs during the annotated operation. It is essential for maintaining data integrity in a Spring Data JPA application.

What are the challenges faced while converting a traditional blocking application to a non-blocking reactive application using WebFlux in Spring Boot?

  • Eliminating all database calls and replacing them with external REST API calls.
  • Ensuring strict blocking behavior to maintain compatibility.
  • Managing backpressure, understanding reactive operators, and adapting to the asynchronous nature of reactive programming.
  • Replacing all reactive components with traditional blocking components.
Converting a traditional blocking application to a non-blocking reactive application using WebFlux in Spring Boot comes with several challenges. These challenges include managing backpressure to prevent data overflow, understanding reactive operators to compose and transform data streams effectively, and adapting to the asynchronous nature of reactive programming. It is not necessary or practical to eliminate all database calls and replace them with external REST API calls when transitioning to reactive programming. Ensuring strict blocking behavior contradicts the non-blocking nature of WebFlux. Replacing all reactive components with traditional blocking components would defeat the purpose of adopting reactive programming.

Which annotation is used to bind the value of a method parameter to a named HTTP header in a Spring Boot application?

  • @RequestHeader
  • @HeaderParam
  • @HttpHeader
  • @HeaderRequest
The @RequestHeader annotation is used to bind the value of a method parameter to a named HTTP header in a Spring Boot application. By specifying the header name as a parameter to this annotation, you can access the value of the corresponding HTTP header. The other options are not valid annotations for binding HTTP headers in Spring Boot.

To externalize configuration properties in Spring Boot, the _____ annotation can be used on a configuration properties class.

  • @AutowiredConfig
  • @ConfigurationProperties
  • @ExternalizedConfig
  • @PropertySource
To externalize configuration properties in Spring Boot, the "@ConfigurationProperties" annotation is used on a configuration properties class. This annotation binds properties from the configuration files (such as "application.yml" or ".properties") to fields in the configuration class, allowing easy access to configuration values.

Consider a scenario where you need to validate user input in a Spring Boot application, ensuring that it meets specific business rules that cannot be expressed with standard JSR-303 annotations. How would you implement this?

  • Create custom validation constraints by extending the javax.validation.Constraint interface and implementing the validation logic in the isValid method. Then, apply these custom constraints to the fields or methods in your Spring components.
  • Embed the custom validation logic directly into the controller methods, bypassing standard validation mechanisms. Handle validation errors within the controller methods and return custom error responses as needed.
  • Implement custom validation logic in custom validators by extending org.springframework.validation.Validator interface and then registering these validators with Spring's validation framework. Apply the validators to the model objects or fields requiring custom validation.
  • Use AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) to intercept method calls and perform custom validation logic before or after the method execution. Implement custom validation logic in separate aspects and apply them to relevant methods using pointcut expressions.
To implement custom validation rules that cannot be expressed with standard JSR-303 annotations, you should create custom validation constraints by extending javax.validation.Constraint and implement the validation logic in the isValid method. Then, apply these custom constraints to your Spring components. This approach aligns with best practices for custom validation in Spring Boot applications.

How is client-side load balancing achieved in a microservices architecture using Spring Cloud?

  • By implementing custom load balancing algorithms in each service
  • By relying solely on server-side load balancing
  • By using Spring Cloud Gateway
  • By utilizing Netflix Ribbon for client-side load balancing
In a microservices architecture with Spring Cloud, client-side load balancing is achieved by using Netflix Ribbon. Ribbon is a client-side load balancer that helps services locate and balance requests across multiple instances of a service.

What strategies would you employ to minimize the garbage collection pause times in a high-throughput Spring Boot application?

  • Increasing the heap size to accommodate more objects in memory.
  • Implementing custom garbage collection algorithms.
  • Using the G1 Garbage Collector and tuning its parameters.
  • Avoiding the use of multithreading in the application.
Option 3 is correct. To minimize garbage collection pause times in a high-throughput Spring Boot application, you can use the G1 Garbage Collector and tune its parameters. The G1 Garbage Collector is designed to provide low-latency and predictable garbage collection behavior. Increasing heap size (Option 1) may not necessarily reduce pause times. Implementing custom garbage collection algorithms (Option 2) is complex and not typically recommended. Avoiding multithreading (Option 4) is not a practical solution for improving performance.

In a Spring Boot application, how would you handle a scenario where different microservices need to work with different databases and schemas?

  • Use Spring Boot's multi-datasource support.
  • Create separate Spring Boot applications for each microservice.
  • Share a single database and schema across all microservices.
  • Use a NoSQL database to avoid schema-related challenges.
In a Spring Boot application, handling different databases and schemas among microservices can be achieved using Spring Boot's multi-datasource support. This allows you to configure multiple datasources and associate them with specific microservices. Creating separate applications for each microservice would lead to unnecessary complexity. Sharing a single database and schema can cause conflicts and scalability issues. Using a NoSQL database is an option but might not always be suitable depending on the application's requirements.