Filters can be applied to __________ or __________ resources in a web application.

  • dynamic, JSP
  • servlets, dynamic
  • servlets, static
  • static, dynamic
Filters can be applied to both servlets and static resources or servlets and dynamic resources in a web application.

For security purposes, filters are often used to implement __________ and __________ controls.

  • authentication, authorization
  • authentication, validation
  • authorization, authentication
  • validation, authorization
For security purposes, filters are often used to implement authentication and authorization controls, ensuring proper user identification and access rights in a web application.

A filter is implemented to log request details. Where should this logging take place in the filter's methods?

  • destroy()
  • doFilter()
  • filterConfig()
  • init()
The logging of request details in a filter should take place within the doFilter() method, which is called for each request and allows processing of the request and response.

If a filter needs to modify the response header of all responses, which method should be primarily used?

  • doFilter()
  • doResponse()
  • init()
  • modifyHeader()
To modify the response header of all responses, the filter should primarily use the doFilter() method, where manipulation of both request and response is possible.

How should filters be configured to apply only to certain URL patterns in a web application?

  • Configure in the web.xml file
  • Filters automatically apply to all URLs
  • Specify URL patterns in the filter mapping in the deployment descriptor
  • Use annotations in the filter class
Filters should be configured to apply only to certain URL patterns by specifying those patterns in the filter mapping in the deployment descriptor (web.xml).

Which method is used to get a reference to the ServletContext?

  • getContext()
  • getServletConfig()
  • getServletContext()
  • init()
The getServletContext() method is used to obtain a reference to the ServletContext. It is typically called within a servlet using the this.getServletContext() or getServletContext() to access the context information.

What type of listener is used to monitor changes in ServletContext attributes?

  • HttpSessionAttributeListener
  • HttpSessionListener
  • ServletContextAttributeListener
  • ServletRequestListener
The ServletContextAttributeListener is used to monitor changes in ServletContext attributes.

Which listener interface is implemented to track session creation and destruction?

  • HttpSessionListener
  • ServletContextAttributeListener
  • ServletContextListener
  • ServletRequestListener
The HttpSessionListener interface is implemented to track session creation and destruction events in servlets.

Which listener interface is used to receive notifications about changes to the servlet request?

  • HttpSessionAttributeListener
  • HttpSessionBindingListener
  • ServletContextListener
  • ServletRequestListener
The ServletRequestListener interface is used to receive notifications about changes to the servlet request.

The listener interface _________ is used to listen for request attribute changes.

  • EventListener
  • HttpSessionAttributeListener
  • ServletContextAttributeListener
  • ServletRequestAttributeListener
The correct answer is HttpSessionAttributeListener. This interface is used to listen for changes to attributes in a session, allowing developers to respond to attribute addition, removal, or replacement.