The __________ element in web.xml is used to define a logical name for a servlet.

  • logical-name
  • name
  • servlet-logical
  • servlet-name
The element in web.xml is used to define a logical name for a servlet.

Can a single class implement multiple listener interfaces in Servlets? If so, what are the considerations?

  • No, a class can only implement one listener interface in Servlets.
  • No, it depends on the version of the Servlet API.
  • Yes, a class can implement multiple listener interfaces.
  • Yes, but it is not recommended due to potential conflicts.
Yes, a single class can implement multiple listener interfaces in Servlets. However, it's essential to carefully consider potential conflicts and ensure that the class can handle events from all implemented interfaces.

The __________ interface is used to receive events about changes to the servlet context's attribute list.

  • ServletAttributeEvent
  • ServletContextAttributeEvent
  • ServletContextEvent
  • ServletEvent
The ServletContextAttributeEvent interface is used to receive events about changes to the servlet context's attribute list.

To track the creation and destruction of HttpSession objects, the _________ interface is implemented.

  • HttpSessionEvent
  • HttpSessionListener
  • HttpSessionTracker
  • SessionLifecycleListener
The HttpSessionListener interface is implemented to track the creation and destruction of HttpSession objects.

When a session is passivated or activated, the __________ interface provides the necessary notifications.

  • ActivationEventListener
  • HttpSessionActivationEvent
  • SessionActivationListener
  • SessionPassivationEvent
The HttpSessionActivationEvent interface provides the necessary notifications when a session is passivated or activated.

What is the purpose of implementing the HttpSessionBindingListener interface?

  • To handle session creation
  • To listen for changes in the context
  • To manage session expiration
  • To monitor session attribute changes
Implementing the HttpSessionBindingListener interface allows you to monitor changes to session attributes and take appropriate actions when they occur.

To redirect a client to another resource, the HTTP servlet uses the __________ method.

  • forward()
  • redirect()
  • sendRedirect()
  • transfer()
The sendRedirect() method in an HTTP servlet is used to redirect the client to another resource, typically specified by a URL.

Which listener interface allows you to gather statistics about session usage in your web application?

  • HttpSessionAttributeListener
  • HttpSessionListener
  • ServletContextAttributeListener
  • ServletRequestAttributeListener
The HttpSessionListener interface allows you to gather statistics about session usage in your web application by tracking session creation and destruction events.

How does ServletRequestAttributeListener differ from ServletRequestListener in its functionality?

  • ServletRequestAttributeListener is triggered only when attributes are added to the request.
  • ServletRequestAttributeListener is triggered when attributes are added, removed, or replaced in the request scope.
  • ServletRequestListener is triggered only when the request is dispatched.
  • ServletRequestListener is triggered when a request is initialized or destroyed.
ServletRequestAttributeListener is specifically designed to listen for changes in request attributes, whereas ServletRequestListener focuses on the initialization and destruction of the request.

The _________ listener is invoked when an attribute is added, removed, or replaced in a session.

  • HttpSessionAttribute
  • HttpSessionBinding
  • HttpSessionEvent
  • SessionAttributeListener
The HttpSessionBinding listener is invoked when an attribute is added, removed, or replaced in a session.