Does the mean function in R handle missing values?

  • Yes, the mean() function automatically ignores missing values
  • No, missing values cause an error in the mean() function
  • Yes, but missing values are treated as 0 in the mean calculation
  • Yes, but missing values need to be explicitly removed before using the mean() function
Yes, the mean() function in R automatically handles missing values by ignoring them in the calculation. It computes the mean based on the available non-missing values in the vector or column.

How do you perform exponentiation in R?

  • Using the ** operator
  • Using the ^ operator
  • Using the exp() function
  • Using the pow() function
In R, exponentiation is performed using the ^ operator. For example, to calculate 2 to the power of 3, we would use 2^3.

When dealing with large data objects, global variables in R can lead to ______ if not managed properly.

  • Memory inefficiency
  • Increased computational time
  • Difficulty in data processing
  • All of the above
When dealing with large data objects, global variables in R can lead to memory inefficiency if not managed properly. Global variables persist throughout the program's execution and occupy memory even when they are no longer needed. This can result in excessive memory usage, especially if multiple large data objects are stored as global variables. Proper management, such as removing or resetting global variables when no longer needed, is crucial to avoid memory-related issues.

The lapply() function in R can be used as an alternative to a for loop to apply a function to each element of a ________.

  • Vector
  • List
  • Matrix
  • Array
The lapply() function in R can be used as an alternative to a for loop to apply a function to each element of a list. It returns a list containing the results of applying the function to each element of the list.

If a variable with the same name exists in both the local and global environment in R, the ______ variable will be used.

  • Local
  • Global
  • R will throw an error
  • Both local and global variables will be used simultaneously
If a variable with the same name exists in both the local and global environment in R, the local variable will be used. R follows the scoping rules where variables defined in the local environment take precedence over variables with the same name in the global environment.

To calculate the square of a number in R, you can use the ^ operator, like number ^ ________.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 2-Jan
  • 3
To square a number in R, you use the ^ operator with 2 as the exponent. For example, to calculate the square of 4, you would use 4^2, which would return 16.

To extract a specific substring from a string in R, you can use the ________ function.

  • extract()
  • get()
  • sub()
  • substr()
The substr() function in R is used to extract a specific substring from a string. For example, substr("Hello", 2, 3) would return "el".

Suppose you have two character vectors and you need to concatenate corresponding elements from each vector with a hyphen in between. How would you do it?

  • None of the above
  • Using the c() function with sep = "-"
  • Using the paste() function with sep = "-"
  • Using the paste0() function with "-"
If you have two character vectors in R, you can concatenate corresponding elements from each vector with a hyphen in between using the 'paste()' function with 'sep = "-"'. For example, 'paste(c("Hello", "Goodbye"), c("world!", "friends!"), sep = "-")' would return a vector containing "Hello-world!" and "Goodbye-friends!".

Imagine you need to create a pie chart in R that color-codes segments based on a specific criteria. How would you do this?

  • Use the pie() function and provide a vector of colors corresponding to each segment
  • Use the barplot() function and specify the colors parameter
  • Use the plot() function with type = "pie" and specify the colors parameter
  • Use the ggplot2 package and the geom_bar() function with the fill aesthetic
To create a pie chart in R that color-codes segments based on a specific criteria, you would use the pie() function. Provide a vector of colors corresponding to each segment, ensuring that the colors align with the specific criteria you want to represent.

In R, the ______ function can be used to compute the determinant of a matrix.

  • determinant()
  • det()
  • eigen()
  • svd()
In R, the det() function can be used to compute the determinant of a matrix. The det() function takes a matrix as its argument and returns its determinant. The determinant is a value that provides information about the invertibility and properties of the matrix.