In Python, ____ is used to access the attributes and methods of a class.

  • Class
  • Dot notation
  • Inheritance
  • Object
In Python, you use the dot notation (.) to access the attributes and methods of a class. For example, object.attribute or object.method().

In Python, ____ is used to define a function that takes an arbitrary number of positional arguments.

  • def *args
  • def arguments
  • def function
  • def varargs
In Python, the syntax def function_name(*args) is used to define a function that can take an arbitrary number of positional arguments. The *args syntax allows you to pass a variable number of arguments to the function.

In Matplotlib, the ____ method is used to create a new figure object.

  • create_figure
  • figure
  • new_figure
  • plot
In Matplotlib, the figure method is used to create a new figure object. A figure object is like a canvas where you can add multiple subplots or axes to create complex plots with multiple elements. It is an essential step when working with Matplotlib.

In Matplotlib, the ____ method is used to set the labels of the x-axis.

  • set_x_axis
  • set_x_label
  • set_xlabel
  • x_labels
In Matplotlib, you use the set_xlabel method to set the label for the x-axis. This method allows you to specify the label that appears below the x-axis in your plot.

In NumPy, the ____ function is used to calculate the element-wise maximum of two arrays.

  • max
  • maximize
  • maximum
  • min
In NumPy, the maximum function is used to calculate the element-wise maximum of two arrays. It returns a new array containing the element-wise maximum values from the input arrays.

In NumPy, the ____ function is used to compute the inverse of a matrix.

  • np.inverse()
  • np.invert()
  • np.linalg.inv()
  • np.transpose()
In NumPy, the np.linalg.inv() function is used to compute the inverse of a matrix. This function is essential for various linear algebra operations in NumPy, such as solving linear equations.

In object-oriented programming in Python, ____ refers to the class that a class inherits from.

  • base class
  • parent class
  • subclass
  • superclass
In Python, the term "base class" refers to the class that a class inherits from. It's also commonly called a "parent class" or "superclass."

In object-oriented programming, ____ refers to the bundling of data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit.

  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
In object-oriented programming, encapsulation refers to the concept of bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on that data into a single unit, known as a class. This helps in data hiding and controlling access to an object's internals.

In Pandas, ____ is used to concatenate two or more DataFrames along a particular axis.

  • combine
  • concat
  • join
  • merge
In Pandas, the concat function is used to concatenate (combine) two or more DataFrames along a specified axis (either rows or columns). It is a powerful tool for combining data in various ways.

In Flask, the ____ object is used to store data that is accessible from all parts of an application.

  • app
  • request
  • route
  • session
In Flask, the session object is used to store data that is accessible across different parts of an application. It allows you to store user-specific data, such as login information or shopping cart contents, across multiple requests.