To make the custom objects of a class iterable using a for loop, one should implement the _______ and _______ methods.

  • __for__ and __loop__
  • __iter__ and __next__
  • __iterator__ and __iter__
  • __next__ and __previous__
To enable custom objects of a class to be iterable, you need to implement the __iter__ and __next__ methods. The __iter__ method returns the iterator object itself, and the __next__ method defines how to iterate over the object.

How do you specify an alternative condition to be checked in Python if the previous condition was false?

  • elif
  • else if
  • elseif
  • elseifcondition
To specify an alternative condition in Python when the previous condition is false, you use the 'elif' keyword. It allows you to check another condition if the preceding 'if' condition is false.

In list comprehensions, the ______ keyword can be used to filter out specific values.

  • except
  • filter
  • for
  • if
In list comprehensions, the if keyword is used to filter out specific values based on a condition. This allows you to include or exclude elements based on a specified criterion.

When using the setdefault method on a dictionary, what happens if the provided key already exists in the dictionary?

  • A new key-value pair is added with the default value
  • An error is raised
  • The existing key-value pair is overwritten with the default value
  • The existing value is returned
When setdefault is called with an existing key, it doesn't modify the existing value but returns it. If the key doesn't exist, it adds the key with the provided default value.

How can you access the last element of a list named my_list?

  • my_list.last()
  • my_list[-1]
  • my_list[0]
  • my_list[len(my_list) - 1]
You can access the last element of a list in Python by using negative indexing, as in "my_list[-1]". Negative indices count from the end, with -1 being the last element.

You have a dictionary of student names and their scores. How would you get a list of student names sorted by their scores in descending order?

  • sorted_names = sorted(students.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
  • sorted_names = sorted(students.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
  • sorted_names = students.items().sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
  • sorted_names = students.items().sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
The correct way to sort the dictionary by scores in descending order is to use the sorted() function with a lambda function as the key argument. The lambda function extracts the score (value) from each (key, value) pair and sorts the items accordingly.

The counterpart to the @property decorator for setting the value of an attribute is _______.

  • @attribute.setter
  • @property.setter
  • @value.setter
  • @set.setter
The counterpart to the @property decorator for setting the value of an attribute is @attribute.setter. It allows you to define a method that sets the value of the corresponding attribute.

What keyword is used to define a function in Python?

  • def
  • define
  • func
  • function
In Python, the keyword used to define a function is 'def.' You start a function definition with 'def,' followed by the function name and its parameters.

Which of the following is not a valid list comprehension?

  • [x for x in range(10)]
  • [(x, x**2) for x in y]
  • [x if x % 2 == 0 else 'odd' for x in range(10)]
  • [x if x > 5 else for x in range(10)]
The fourth option is not a valid list comprehension because it's missing the expression that should follow the else keyword. In list comprehensions, the else part should have an expression to be evaluated when the condition is False. The correct form should be like: [x if x > 5 else for x in range(10)].

When you want a variable to be available both inside and outside a function, you declare it as a _______ variable.

  • Global
  • Instance
  • Local
  • Non-local
To make a variable accessible both inside and outside a function, you declare it as a 'global' variable. It has a global scope.