What is the purpose of the json_last_error_msg() function in PHP?

  • To retrieve a human-readable error message from the last JSON-related error
  • To get the error code from the last JSON-related error
  • To display the last JSON-related error as a message
  • To clear the last JSON-related error
The json_last_error_msg() function in PHP is used to retrieve a human-readable error message from the last JSON-related error that occurred. It provides a descriptive error message explaining the cause of the error. The other mentioned options (To get the error code from the last JSON-related error, To display the last JSON-related error as a message, To clear the last JSON-related error) do not accurately describe the purpose of the json_last_error_msg() function. For more details, refer to the PHP documentation on json_last_error_msg(): http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-last-error-msg.php

How do you sort an associative array by its keys in PHP?

  • Use the ksort() function.
  • Use the sort() function.
  • Use the asort() function.
  • Use the rsort() function.
To sort an associative array by its keys in PHP, you would use the ksort() function. The ksort() function arranges the elements of an associative array in ascending order based on their keys. The values associated with each key remain linked to their corresponding keys even after sorting. This function directly modifies the original associative array by rearranging its key-value pairs. Sorting an associative array by keys can be useful when you need to organize and retrieve data based on a specific key order. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ksort.php

The elseif statement in PHP can be used to test multiple conditions.

  • TRUE
  • nan
  • nan
The elseif statement in PHP can be used to test multiple conditions. It allows you to specify a new condition to be checked if the preceding if condition is false. By using elseif, you can create a chain of conditions to be evaluated sequentially until a matching condition is found. This enables you to handle different scenarios and execute different code blocks based on different conditions. The elseif statement is a powerful tool for implementing complex decision-making logic in your PHP scripts. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.elseif.php

You are writing a PHP script and you need to add the values of two variables. How would you do this using operators?

  • $sum = $var1 + $var2;
  • $sum = $var1 - $var2;
  • $sum = $var1 * $var2;
  • $sum = $var1 / $var2;
To add the values of two variables in PHP, you would use the + operator. The expression $sum = $var1 + $var2; will add the values of $var1 and $var2 and store the result in the variable $sum. The + operator is the arithmetic addition operator in PHP and is used to perform addition operations on numerical values. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.arithmetic.php

Which of the following functions can be used in PHP to find the length of a string?

  • strlen()
  • count()
  • size()
  • length()
The strlen() function in PHP can be used to find the length of a string. It returns the number of characters in a string. The count() function is used to count the number of elements in an array or an object. The size() and length() functions do not exist in PHP as built-in functions for finding the length of a string. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strlen.php

The main purpose of a constructor in a PHP class is to initialize the object when it is created.

  • object
  • properties
  • methods
  • variables
The main purpose of a constructor in a PHP class is to initialize the object when it is created. The correct option is "object." The constructor is called automatically when an object is created from the class, allowing you to initialize its properties or perform other setup tasks. For more information, consult the PHP documentation on constructors: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.decon.php

How can you include a file in PHP?

  • import()
  • include_once()
  • require()
  • attach()
In PHP, you can include a file using the require() statement, which includes and evaluates the specified file during runtime. This allows you to reuse code from other files in your current PHP script.

You have a PHP script and you need to create an object from a class. How would you do this?

  • Using the new keyword and the class name
  • Using the create() function and the class name
  • Using the instanceof keyword and the class name
  • Using the object() function and the class name
In PHP, to create an object from a class, you would use the new keyword followed by the class name and parentheses. The correct option is "Using the new keyword and the class name." For more information, consult the PHP documentation on creating objects: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php

What is the $GLOBALS superglobal in PHP?

  • An array containing references to all variables that are currently defined in the global scope of the script.
  • A variable that stores global values for a PHP script.
  • A special function for accessing global variables.
  • A reserved keyword for declaring global variables.
The correct option is 1. The $GLOBALS superglobal in PHP is an associative array that contains references to all variables that are currently defined in the global scope of the script. The keys of the $GLOBALS array are the variable names, and the values are references to the corresponding variables. It provides a way to access global variables from anywhere within the script, including within functions or classes, without having to use the global keyword. By accessing the $GLOBALS superglobal, you can retrieve and manipulate global variables as needed. However, it is generally recommended to use global variables sparingly and follow good coding practices to avoid potential issues. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.globals.php

What is the function func_num_args() used for?

  • The function func_num_args() is used to retrieve the number of arguments passed to a function in PHP.
  • The function func_num_args() is used to retrieve the number of arguments expected by a function in PHP.
  • The function func_num_args() is used to retrieve the number of arguments remaining in a function in PHP.
  • The function func_num_args() is used to retrieve the number of arguments already processed by a function in PHP.
The function func_num_args() is used to retrieve the number of arguments passed to a function in PHP. It is often used in conjunction with other functions like func_get_arg() and func_get_args() to create flexible and dynamic functions that can handle a variable number of arguments. For example, you can use func_num_args() inside a function to determine how many arguments were passed to it and then iterate over the arguments using a loop with func_get_arg() to process each argument individually. The func_num_args() function provides a convenient way to create generic functions that can adapt to different input parameters. It's important to note that func_num_args() can only be used within a user-defined function and not outside of it.