What does PEAR stand for?

  • PHP Extension and Application Repository
  • PHP Enhanced and Advanced Resources
  • PHP External Access and Resources
  • PHP Efficient Application and Resources
PEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository. It is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components, providing a centralized repository of libraries, extensions, and tools. PEAR helps in sharing and reusing code, promoting code quality and collaboration within the PHP community.

What are some best practices to follow when creating a MySQL table using PHP?

  • Use parameterized queries or prepared statements, validate and sanitize user input, handle errors properly
  • Directly concatenate user input in SQL queries, trust user input without validation, ignore error messages
  • Store plaintext passwords, rely on outdated MySQL extensions, neglect error handling
  • All of the above
When creating a MySQL table using PHP, it's important to follow best practices to ensure security, data integrity, and proper error handling. Some best practices include: 1. Use parameterized queries or prepared statements to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities. 2. Validate and sanitize user input to ensure data consistency and security. 3. Handle errors properly by checking the return value of the mysqli_query function and using error handling techniques. 4. Avoid storing plaintext passwords and use secure password hashing mechanisms. 5. Use updated MySQL extensions and avoid deprecated or outdated functions. By following these best practices, you can create tables securely, handle errors effectively, and maintain the integrity of your database.

The $_FILES superglobal array in PHP holds information about uploaded files.

  • TRUE
  • nan
  • nan
In PHP, the $_FILES superglobal array is used to hold information about uploaded files. It provides access to various details of the uploaded file, such as the file name, file type, file size, temporary file path, and error status. This array is available after a file has been uploaded using an HTML form with the appropriate settings. It allows PHP developers to access and handle uploaded files during file upload processes.

You want to output a variable's value along with some text in PHP. How would you use echo or print to do this?

  • echo "Text" . $variable;
  • echo "Text $variable";
  • print "Text" . $variable;
  • print "Text $variable";
To output a variable's value along with some text in PHP, you can use either echo or print. One way is to concatenate the text and the variable using the dot (.) operator. For example, echo "Text" . $variable; will concatenate the string "Text" with the value of the variable. Another way is to use string interpolation by enclosing the variable within double quotes. For example, echo "Text $variable"; will automatically substitute the variable's value within the string. Both echo and print can achieve this task effectively. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.echo.php https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.print.php

The else statement in PHP is used to execute some code if the same ______ is false.

  • Condition
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Loop
The else statement in PHP is used to execute some code if the same condition that was tested with the preceding if statement is false. It provides an alternative code block to be executed when the if condition is not met. If the condition of the if statement is false, the code block associated with the else statement will be executed. This allows you to handle the "else" case and provide a different set of instructions when the initial condition is not true. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.else.php

Is it possible to protect special characters in a query string?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Depends on the programming language
  • Depends on the server configuration
Yes, it is possible to protect special characters in a query string by properly encoding them using URL encoding. Special characters are replaced by a "%" followed by their ASCII value in hexadecimal format. Learn more: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.ASP

You are writing a PHP script and you need to make a form field required. How would you do this?

  • Set the required attribute in the HTML form field
  • Use JavaScript to check if the field is empty before submitting the form
  • Check if the field is empty using the empty() function and display an error message if it is
  • Implement server-side validation in PHP to check if the field is empty
To make a form field required in PHP, you can set the required attribute in the HTML form field. This attribute ensures that the field must be filled in before the form can be submitted. It is a client-side validation technique that enforces the requirement on the front-end. For further information, visit: w3schools.com/tags/att_input_required.asp

What is a common use case for Form Handling in PHP?

  • Capturing user information through a contact form.
  • Creating visual effects on form submission.
  • Applying form field validations using CSS.
  • Formatting form layout using tables.
A common use case for Form Handling in PHP is capturing user information through a contact form. Contact forms are widely used on websites to allow visitors to submit inquiries, feedback, or requests. PHP's Form Handling capabilities enable developers to validate and process the form data, store it in a database, send email notifications, or perform other actions based on the form submission. Form Handling in PHP ensures the smooth flow of user inputs and facilitates effective communication between website visitors and the site owners or administrators. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.forms.php

The json_last_error_msg() function in PHP is used to return the error string of the last JSON operation.

  • last
  • recent
  • previous
  • current
The json_last_error_msg() function in PHP is used to return the error string of the last JSON operation. It retrieves the human-readable error message corresponding to the most recent JSON-related error. The correct option is "last." This function is useful for diagnosing and troubleshooting JSON-related errors. For further details, refer to the PHP documentation on json_last_error_msg(): http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-last-error-msg.php

A PHP class implements an interface using the implements keyword.

  • TRUE
  • nan
  • nan
A PHP class does indeed implement an interface using the implements keyword. This keyword is placed after the class name and is followed by the name of the interface or a comma-separated list of interface names. By implementing an interface, a class agrees to fulfill the contract defined by the interface. The class must provide an implementation for all the methods defined in the interface. Multiple interfaces can be implemented by listing them after the implements keyword. This allows the class to define behavior and functionality according to multiple contracts. To know more about interface implementation, visit: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.interfaces.php