You need to check if a variable in your PHP script is an integer. How would you do this?

  • is_int($variable)
  • is_string($variable)
  • is_float($variable)
  • is_numeric($variable)
To check if a variable is an integer in PHP, you can use the is_int() function. The is_int() function checks if a variable is of type integer. It returns true if the variable is an integer and false otherwise. This function is useful when you specifically need to verify that a variable is of integer type. Learn more:

You have a PHP script and you need to move an uploaded file to a specific directory. How would you do this?

  • move_uploaded_file()
  • copy()
  • move_file()
  • attach_file()
To move an uploaded file to a specific directory in PHP, you can utilize the move_uploaded_file() function. This function moves the file to the desired directory. Check out:

What is the break statement used for in PHP?

  • Terminating the execution of a loop or switch statement
  • Skipping the current iteration of a loop
  • Returning a value from a function
  • Displaying an error message
The correct option is: "Terminating the execution of a loop or switch statement." In PHP, the break statement is used to exit the current loop or switch statement. It is commonly used when a certain condition is met, and you want to stop the execution of the loop or switch immediately. Learn more:

How do you use Regular Expressions in PHP?

  • By using the preg_match() function to match a pattern against a string.
  • By using the rand() function to generate random numbers.
  • By using the str_replace() function to replace occurrences of a substring in a string.
  • By using the sizeof() function to determine the size of an array.
In PHP, you can use regular expressions by using the preg_match() function to match a pattern against a string. The preg_match() function takes two parameters: the pattern to match and the string to search. It returns true if the pattern is found in the string and false otherwise. Regular expressions are defined using special characters and modifiers that specify the pattern to search for. The preg_match() function allows you to perform various operations based on the matched pattern, such as extracting data or validating input. Learn more:

In PHP, the fopen() function with 'w' as the mode will create a file if it doesn't exist and open it for ______.

  • reading
  • writing
  • appending
  • deleting
In PHP, using the 'w' mode with the fopen() function allows you to create a file if it doesn't exist and open it for writing. This mode truncates the file if it already exists, so caution should be exercised.

To access data from the $_REQUEST superglobal in PHP, you can use $_REQUEST['fieldname'] where 'fieldname' is the name of the ______ you wish to access.

  • Variable
  • Element
  • Key
  • Field
To access specific data from the $_REQUEST superglobal in PHP, you can use the $_REQUEST['fieldname'] syntax. Here, 'fieldname' refers to the name of the input field or key from which you want to retrieve the data. For example, if you have an input field with the name 'username', you can access its value using $_REQUEST['username']. By using the appropriate field name as the key within the $_REQUEST array, you can retrieve the desired data. Learn more:

What is the difference between abstract classes and interfaces in PHP? When would you use each?

  • Abstract classes can have method implementations, while interfaces cannot. Abstract classes are useful when you want to provide a default implementation for some methods, while interfaces are suitable for implementing multiple inheritance.
  • Abstract classes and interfaces both provide a way to achieve abstraction in PHP. Abstract classes are used when you want to create a blueprint for other classes to inherit from. Interfaces, on the other hand, define a contract that classes must adhere to.
  • Abstract classes allow you to create objects, while interfaces cannot. Abstract classes are used when you want to create a contract that other classes must implement. Interfaces are used when you want to create a common set of methods that different classes can implement.
  • Abstract classes and interfaces are functionally the same in PHP. The choice between them is purely based on personal preference.
Abstract classes in PHP can have method implementations, allowing you to define common behavior for its subclasses. Interfaces, on the other hand, only define method signatures that must be implemented by classes. Abstract classes are used when you want to create a base class that provides common functionality, while interfaces are used to define a contract that multiple classes can adhere to. Knowing when to use each depends on the specific requirements of your application. For more information, you can refer to the PHP documentation:,

In PHP, if the condition in a while loop is never false, the loop will ______.

  • continue executing indefinitely
  • stop executing
  • execute the code block only once
  • not execute at all
If the condition in a PHP while loop is never false, the loop will continue executing indefinitely. This results in an infinite loop where the block of code is repeatedly executed as long as the condition remains true. To avoid infinite loops, it is crucial to ensure that the condition eventually becomes false during the execution of the loop. Infinite loops can consume excessive resources and cause the program to become unresponsive. It is important to include logic within the loop to modify the condition or use control statements such as break or exit to terminate the loop when necessary. Learn more:

Which of the following are true about the foreach loop in PHP?

  • The foreach loop is used exclusively for arrays
  • The foreach loop can only access the values of an array
  • The foreach loop can access both the keys and values of an array
  • The foreach loop is not a valid construct in PHP
The correct option is: "The foreach loop can access both the keys and values of an array." In PHP, the foreach loop allows you to iterate over each element in an array and access both the keys and values of the elements. During each iteration, you can use the "key" variable to access the key/index of the current element, and the "value" variable to access the value of the element. This makes the foreach loop a versatile construct for working with arrays. Learn more:

Which of the following is not a valid way to denote a comment in PHP?

  • // Comment
  • /* Comment */
  • # Comment
In PHP, comments are denoted by either double slashes (//), a hash symbol (#), or by /* at the beginning and */ at the end for multi-line comments. HTML-style comments () are not recognized by PHP. Learn more: