Which PHP function can be used to check if a function has been defined?

  • function_exists()
  • method_exists()
  • class_exists()
  • is_function_defined()
The function_exists() function in PHP can be used to check if a function has been defined. It returns true if the function exists and is callable. The other mentioned options (method_exists(), class_exists(), is_function_defined()) are not specifically used to check if a function has been defined. For more details, refer to the PHP documentation on function_exists(): http://php.net/manual/en/function.function-exists.php

You can define a class in PHP using the class keyword.

  • class
  • object
  • define
  • function
In PHP, you can define a class using the class keyword followed by the class name. The correct option is "class." This allows you to define the structure, properties, and methods of the class. For further details, refer to the PHP documentation on defining classes: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php

What happens if the file to be included using the include statement in PHP is not found?

  • A fatal error is generated and script execution stops.
  • A warning is generated and script execution continues.
  • The PHP interpreter automatically searches for the file in other directories.
  • The include statement silently fails and does not generate any error.
If the file to be included using the include statement in PHP is not found, a warning is generated, but script execution continues. This can be useful in scenarios where the included file is not essential for the script's functionality.

The min() function in PHP returns the ______ value from a list of numbers.

  • Largest
  • Average
  • Smallest
  • Sum
The min() function in PHP returns the smallest value from a list of numbers. It can accept either an array of numbers or multiple arguments and returns the minimum value among them. This function is useful when you need to find the smallest value in a set of numbers. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.min.php

You need to access server-specific information in your PHP script. How would you do this using the $_SERVER superglobal?

  • Access the desired element of the $_SERVER array using the appropriate key.
  • Use the $_SERVER superglobal as an argument to a function.
  • Assign the value of the desired element to a local variable.
  • Iterate over the elements of the $_SERVER array using a loop.
To access server-specific information using the $_SERVER superglobal in PHP, you can directly access the desired element of the $_SERVER array using the appropriate key. The $_SERVER superglobal is an associative array that contains various server-specific information, such as headers, paths, script locations, server details, and more. By accessing the specific key within the $_SERVER array, you can retrieve the server-specific information needed in your PHP script. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php

A static method in PHP OOP is a method that belongs to the class itself rather than an instance of the class. It can be called without creating an ______ of the class.

  • Object
  • Instance
  • Reference
  • Array
A static method in PHP OOP can be called without creating an instance of the class. Since it belongs to the class itself, it can be accessed using the class name directly, without the need to instantiate an object.

You are writing a PHP script and you need to sanitize user input. How would you do this?

  • filter_input()
  • sanitize_input()
  • validate_input()
  • clean_input()
To sanitize user input in PHP, you can use the filter_input() function. This function allows you to filter and sanitize user input based on predefined filters or custom filters. It provides a convenient way to ensure that the input is safe and free from unwanted content. For more information, refer to: http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-input.php

How can you retrieve the value of a specific cookie in PHP?

  • Using the $_COOKIE superglobal array
  • Using the $_SESSION superglobal array
  • Using the $_GET superglobal array
  • Using the $_SERVER superglobal array
The value of a specific cookie in PHP can be retrieved using the $_COOKIE superglobal array. This array contains all the cookies sent by the client, and you can access the value of a specific cookie by specifying its name as the array index. Learn more: http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.cookies.php

You need to close a file in your PHP script after you're done with it. How would you do this?

  • close()
  • fclose()
  • end()
  • finish()
To close a file in a PHP script, you would use the fclose() function. It takes the file handle obtained from fopen() as its parameter. This function releases the resources associated with the file and frees up memory. It is a good practice to close files after you have finished working with them to ensure proper cleanup and prevent resource leaks.

What are superglobals in PHP?

  • Predefined variables that are always accessible in all scopes.
  • Variables that can only be accessed within a specific function.
  • Variables that are accessible only within the current class.
  • User-defined variables that can be accessed from any scope.
The correct option is 1. Superglobals in PHP are predefined variables that are accessible in all scopes throughout a script. They are automatically populated by PHP and provide important information or access to various resources. Superglobals are available to all functions, classes, and files within a PHP script, making them globally accessible without the need for special handling. Some examples of superglobals in PHP include $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, and $_SERVER. They allow developers to access information from HTTP requests, server settings, and other important aspects of the PHP environment. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.superglobals.php