Can you have multiple PEND statements within a single JCL job? If so, what is the significance?

  • No, only one PEND allowed per JCL job
  • Yes, but it's not recommended
  • Yes, each PEND corresponds to a job step
  • Yes, for parallel execution of steps
No, only one PEND statement is allowed in a JCL job, marking the end of the entire job

In JCL, can you use the SET statement to modify system-defined variables?

  • No
  • Only in batch processing
  • Only in specific conditions
  • Yes
The SET statement in JCL is primarily used for user-defined variables, not system-defined variables

How can you allocate a dataset with DISP=(MOD,CATLG) in the DD statement?

To allocate a dataset with DISP=(MOD,CATLG), specify MOD,CATLG in the DISP parameter of the DD statement

When multiple data sets are concatenated, DISP=_______ indicates that the data set will not be modified.

  • MOD
  • NEW
  • OLD
  • SHR
DISP=SHR is used to indicate that the data set will not be modified when multiple data sets are concatenated.

What is the difference between the NOTIFY and MSGLEVEL parameters

  • MSGLEVEL controls job logging level
  • MSGLEVEL specifies the message level
  • NOTIFY is used for job prioritization
  • NOTIFY notifies a user about job
NOTIFY parameter notifies a user about job completion, while MSGLEVEL controls the message logging level.

In the context of JCL, what does the term "step name" refer to when used in the EXEC statement?

  • Name of the dataset
  • Name of the job
  • Name of the job step
  • Name of the program
The "step name" refers to the name of the job step in the EXEC statement

Can you specify different dispositions for different conditions when de-allocating data sets in JCL?

  • No, disposition is a global parameter
  • No, disposition is uniform for all datasets
  • Yes, but only for specific dataset types
  • Yes, using conditional processing in JCL
Different dispositions can be specified for different conditions in JCL

Can the LRECL attribute be larger than the actual record length of a dataset in JCL? Why or why not?

  • No, it causes data corruption.
  • No, it must match the actual record length.
  • Yes, for better performance.
  • Yes, to accommodate future expansion.
LRECL should match the actual record length to avoid data issues.

Can the ELSE statement be used without an IF statement in JCL? Explain.

  • No, it must always follow an IF
  • No, it's not a standalone statement
  • Yes, it defines an alternative path
  • Yes, it indicates the end of a job
The ELSE statement must always follow an IF statement in JCL

Can you use SET statements within JCL procedures?

  • No
  • Only in nested procedures
  • Only in specific scenarios
  • Yes
SET statements can be used within JCL procedures