When you use the "this" keyword within a method, it refers to _________.

  • The method itself
  • The global object
  • The parent function
  • The calling object
When you use the "this" keyword within a method in JavaScript, it refers to the calling object. The calling object is the object on which the method is invoked, and "this" is a reference to that object, allowing you to access its properties and methods.

How does the switch statement compare the expression with the case values (strict or loose comparison)?

  • Strict comparison (===)
  • Loose comparison (==)
  • It depends on the JavaScript engine being used.
  • It uses a custom comparison method.
The switch statement in JavaScript uses loose comparison (==) to compare the expression with the case values. This means that it does not consider the data type. For strict comparison (===), you can use if-else statements within each case block.

What is the potential impact on performance when improperly handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript?

  • Memory leaks and decreased performance.
  • Improved performance and faster execution of tasks.
  • Reduced complexity and optimized code.
  • No impact on performance.
Improperly handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript can lead to memory leaks and decreased performance. If resources are not released correctly or if there are too many pending tasks, it can strain system resources and cause sluggishness. It's essential to manage asynchronous operations properly to avoid these performance bottlenecks.

The second statement of a "for" loop is the ________, which is checked before every iteration.

  • initialization
  • condition
  • increment
  • termination
In a "for" loop, the second part is the condition. This condition is checked before every iteration to determine if the loop should continue executing. If the condition evaluates to false, the loop terminates. The initialization is the first part, and the increment is the third part of the "for" loop.

To prevent an infinite loop, you should always modify the ________ variable inside a while loop.

  • condition
  • counter
  • iterator
  • sentinel
To prevent an infinite loop in a 'while' loop, you should always modify the 'counter' variable. This ensures that the loop will eventually terminate when the condition becomes false, preventing it from running indefinitely.

You encounter a bug in your code where the wrong block of code is being executed despite the condition being false. What could be a possible reason for this?

  • Logical operator precedence
  • Syntax error
  • Variable scope
  • Type coercion
One possible reason for the bug could be incorrect logical operator precedence. If the operators are not used in the right order, it can lead to unexpected results. Understanding operator precedence is crucial to avoid such issues and ensure that conditions are evaluated as intended.

Which of the following HTTP methods does NOT have a body in the Fetch API?

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
In the Fetch API, the HTTP GET method does not have a body because it is used to retrieve data from a server. The other methods like POST, DELETE, and PUT can include a request body to send data to the server. Understanding this is essential when working with APIs for data retrieval and manipulation.

What is the main purpose of using asynchronous programming in JavaScript?

  • Improved Performance
  • Simplifying Code
  • Avoiding Errors
  • Synchronous Execution
The main purpose of using asynchronous programming in JavaScript is to improve performance. It allows tasks like network requests, file operations, and timers to be executed without blocking the main thread, resulting in a more responsive and efficient application. This is especially crucial in web development.

The _________ method returns all elements in the document with the specified tag name as a NodeList.

  • querySelector()
  • getElementByTagName()
  • getElementsByClassName()
  • querySelectorAll()
The getElementByTagName() method returns all elements in the document with the specified tag name as a NodeList. It's important to note that this method is older and less flexible than querySelectorAll(), which can select elements based on more complex criteria.

Which operator is used to get the data type of a variable?

  • typeof
  • instanceof
  • typeofof
  • datatype
The typeof operator in JavaScript is used to determine the data type of a variable. For example, you can use it as typeof variableName to obtain a string representing the data type of the variable. It's a helpful tool for debugging and handling different data types dynamically in your code.