Which of the following data types can store a null value in Java?

  • Integer
  • String
  • double
  • int
In Java, only reference data types (objects) can store a null value. Among the given options, String is a reference data type that can store null. The other options are primitive data types and cannot hold null values.

What are the challenges of implementing operator overloading in Java?

  • Java does not support operator overloading, so there are no challenges to address.
  • The challenge is defining custom operators, which may not be intuitive to developers familiar with Java's standard operators.
  • The challenge is the risk of causing performance issues due to overloaded operators.
  • The main challenge is ambiguity, as overloading operators can lead to confusion and unintended behavior.
The main challenge of implementing operator overloading in Java is ambiguity. Operator overloading can lead to confusion and unintended behavior, making the code less readable and maintainable. Since Java doesn't support operator overloading for user-defined classes, developers are encouraged to use meaningful method names instead.

Which sorting algorithm uses a divide-and-conquer strategy to sort data?

  • Bubble Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Selection Sort
Merge Sort is a sorting algorithm that uses a divide-and-conquer strategy. It divides the unsorted list into smaller sublists, sorts those sublists, and then merges them to obtain the final sorted list. This approach results in better performance compared to some other sorting algorithms.

You're developing a game using JavaFX where players interact with multiple animated objects on the screen. How would you efficiently manage and handle multiple events generated by user interactions without causing performance issues?

  • Attach event listeners to each individual object to ensure specific actions are taken for each object's interactions.
  • Increase the frame rate to ensure that events are processed faster, thus avoiding performance issues.
  • Use a single event handler for all objects and manually check which object triggered the event.
  • Use event delegation to handle events at a higher-level parent node, reducing the number of event listeners attached to individual objects.
In JavaFX, managing multiple events efficiently is crucial for performance. Using event delegation by handling events at a higher-level parent node minimizes the number of event listeners, reducing overhead. This is a common best practice in JavaFX game development. Increasing the frame rate alone won't solve performance issues and may lead to excessive resource consumption. Using a single event handler is less efficient than event delegation, and attaching listeners to each object increases overhead.

Which of the following loops will always execute its code block at least once?

  • do-while loop
  • for loop
  • if statement
  • while loop
The do-while loop is designed to execute its code block at least once, as it checks the condition after executing the loop body. This is useful when you want to ensure that a piece of code runs before checking the condition for termination.

The method ________ of FileOutputStream class is used to write a specific byte of data to a file output stream.

  • append
  • write
  • writeByte
  • writeData
The write method of the FileOutputStream class is used to write a specific byte of data to a file output stream. You can use this method to write individual bytes or byte arrays to a file.

What is the default constructor in Java?

  • A constructor provided by Java for every class
  • A constructor with a single parameter
  • A constructor with default values
  • A constructor with no parameters
In Java, the default constructor is a constructor provided by Java for every class that doesn't explicitly define its own constructor. It takes no parameters and initializes instance variables to their default values. The other options do not accurately describe the default constructor in Java.

Imagine a scenario where you are developing a library, and you want to restrict the usage of some specific methods to the external world but allow them to be used inside the package. How would you implement this using access modifiers?

  • package-private
  • private
  • protected
  • public
To restrict the usage of certain methods to the external world while allowing them to be used within the package, you would use the package-private access modifier. This is achieved by not specifying any access modifier (default) before the method declaration. Public methods are accessible from anywhere, private methods are restricted to the class, and protected methods allow access within the package and subclasses.

Why does Java not support operator overloading?

  • Because it's not feasible to implement
  • To avoid ambiguity in code
  • To promote method overloading instead
  • To simplify the language and reduce complexity
Java does not support operator overloading primarily to simplify the language and reduce complexity. Operator overloading can lead to ambiguity in code, making it harder to read and maintain. Instead, Java encourages method overloading as a way to achieve similar functionality.

________ collection classes store objects, whereas ________ collection classes store primitive data types.

  • ArrayList / LinkedList
  • HashMap / HashSet
  • Vector / Hashtable
  • Wrapper / Primitive
Wrapper collection classes (such as ArrayList) store objects, while Primitive collection classes (such as ArrayList) store primitive data types directly. The wrapper classes allow primitive data types to be used in collections that require objects.