You're debugging a webpage and encounter a long section of commented code. How would you determine if this commented code is necessary or if it can be safely removed?

  • Ask a colleague if they remember why the code was commented out. 
  • Assume it's outdated and remove it without checking. 
  • Compare with version history to see when and why it was commented. 
  • Remove the comments and see if the webpage crashes. 
Best practice would involve checking the version control history (e.g., Git commits) to understand when and why certain code sections were commented out. This historical insight can provide context about the code's relevance and whether it can be safely removed or if it should be revisited. 

How does the DOCTYPE declaration affect the box model?

  • It adds animations to boxes. 
  • It determines the color of the boxes. 
  • It influences how the browser calculates widths and margins. 
  • It sets the default width of all elements. 
The DOCTYPE declaration influences how the browser interprets and renders the content. In the context of the box model, particularly in older browsers like Internet Explorer 6, the absence or type of DOCTYPE can affect whether the browser uses the "quirks mode" or "standards mode" box model. The "quirks mode" box model includes padding and border in the width of an element, whereas the "standards mode" doesn't.