The _______ Information Criterion is a measure used in model selection that takes into account the goodness of fit and the simplicity of the model.

  • Akaike
  • Bayesian
  • Pearson
  • Spearman
The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) balances goodness of fit with model simplicity by including a penalty for the number of parameters in the model. This discourages overfitting.

What is the skewness value for a perfect normal distribution?

  • -1
  • 0
  • 1
  • It varies
For a perfect normal distribution, the skewness value is zero. This is because a normal distribution is perfectly symmetrical, so its left and right tails are identical.

The Chi-square statistic is calculated by summing the squared difference between observed and expected frequencies, each divided by the ________ frequency.

  • expected
  • median
  • mode
  • observed
The Chi-square statistic is calculated by summing the squared differences between observed and expected frequencies, each divided by the expected frequency. This reflects how much the observed data deviate from the expected data.

What are some potential issues with interpreting the results of factor analysis?

  • Factor analysis is not sensitive to outliers, and results are always reliable and consistent
  • Factors are always straightforward to interpret, and factor loadings are always clear and unambiguous
  • Factors may be hard to interpret, factor loadings can be ambiguous, and results can be sensitive to outliers
  • Results are always conclusive, factors can be easily interpreted, and factor loadings are never ambiguous
Some potential issues with interpreting the results of factor analysis include: factors can sometimes be hard to interpret, factor loadings can be ambiguous (a variable may load onto multiple factors), and the results can be sensitive to outliers.

How does factor analysis help in understanding the structure of a dataset?

  • By identifying underlying factors
  • By normalizing the data
  • By reducing noise in the data
  • By transforming the data
Factor analysis helps in understanding the structure of a dataset by identifying the underlying factors that give rise to the pattern of correlations within the set of observed variables. These factors can explain the latent structure in the data.

What is the name of the rule that states the probability of the sum of all possible outcomes of an experiment is 1?

  • Bayes' Theorem
  • Law of Large Numbers
  • Law of Total Probability
  • Rule of Complementary Events
The Law of Total Probability states that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes of an experiment is 1. This rule is fundamental to probability theory and provides a way to calculate the probability of complex events by breaking them down into simpler, mutually exclusive events.

What are the two types of factor analysis used in data science?

  • Confirmatory and explanatory
  • Exploratory and confirmatory
  • Inferential and descriptive
  • Predictive and explanatory
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) are the two types of factor analysis commonly used in data science. EFA is used when the structure of the underlying factors is not known, while CFA is used when the researcher has specific hypotheses about the factor structure.

The __________ Theorem states that with a large enough sample size, the sampling distribution of the mean will be normally distributed.

  • Central Limit
  • Law of Large Numbers
  • Regression
  • Variance
The Central Limit Theorem is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics. The theorem states that, as the size of a sample is increased, the sampling distribution of the mean will be closer to a normal distribution. This happens no matter the shape of the population distribution.

Under what conditions does the Central Limit Theorem hold true?

  • When the data is skewed
  • When the population is normal
  • When the sample size is sufficiently large
  • When the standard deviation is zero
The Central Limit Theorem holds true when the sample size is sufficiently large (usually n > 30), regardless of the shape of the population distribution. This theorem states that if you have a population with mean μ and standard deviation σ and take sufficiently large random samples from the population with replacement, then the distribution of the sample means will be approximately normally distributed.

How does effect size impact hypothesis testing?

  • Effect size has no impact on hypothesis testing
  • Larger effect sizes always lead to rejection of the null hypothesis
  • Larger effect sizes always lead to smaller p-values
  • Larger effect sizes increase the statistical power of the test
Effect size measures the magnitude of the difference or the strength of the relationship in the population. A larger effect size means a larger difference or stronger relationship, which in turn increases the statistical power of the test. Power is the probability that the test correctly rejects the null hypothesis when the alternative is true.