In a grid layout, how would you make an element occupy the space of two columns starting from the second column?

  • grid-column: 1 / span 2;
  • grid-column: 2 / -1;
  • grid-column: 2 / 4;
  • grid-column: span 2;
To make an element occupy the space of two columns starting from the second column, you can use the 'grid-column' property with the 'span' keyword. It specifies the number of columns the grid item should span, and in this case, 'span 2' will make it span two columns, starting from the second column.

You need to style a button differently when it's disabled. Which CSS pseudo-class would be most appropriate to achieve this?

  • :disabled
  • :hidden
  • :inactive
  • :unavailable
To style a button differently when it's disabled, you should use the :disabled pseudo-class. This pseudo-class is specifically designed to target elements that are in a disabled state, such as disabled buttons or form fields. It allows you to apply distinct styles to these elements when they are disabled. The other options, :inactive, :unavailable, and :hidden, do not target disabled elements and are not suitable for this purpose.

Which CSS property specifies whether an animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles?

  • animation-alternate
  • animation-direction
  • animation-play-state
  • animation-reverse
The animation-direction property in CSS is used to specify whether an animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. When set to alternate, the animation runs forwards, then in reverse, and so on, creating a back-and-forth animation effect. This property is valuable for creating visually interesting and dynamic animations.

What is the main advantage of using a modular CSS approach?

  • It allows for inlining all styles, reducing HTTP requests.
  • It enforces the use of global styles for a consistent look and feel.
  • It prioritizes complex selector chaining for fine-grained control.
  • It simplifies CSS development by encouraging a component-based structure and reusable code.
The main advantage of using a modular CSS approach is that it simplifies CSS development by encouraging a component-based structure and the creation of reusable code. This approach makes it easier to manage and maintain styles, improves code reusability, and reduces the chances of CSS conflicts and errors.

What does the 'box-sizing' property with a value of 'border-box' do?

  • It adds extra space to the content box.
  • It applies a shadow border around the element.
  • It changes the background color to black.
  • It makes the element's content box include padding and border.
The 'box-sizing' property with a value of 'border-box' makes the element's content box include the padding and border, ensuring that the specified width or height of the element includes everything within it, making layout and sizing more predictable and intuitive.

What is the main advantage of using SCSS over plain CSS?

  • Smaller file size
  • Improved browser compatibility
  • Better performance
  • Advanced features like variables and nesting
The primary advantage of using SCSS over plain CSS is its advanced features, such as variables, nesting, and mixins. These features make the code more maintainable, reduce redundancy, and improve readability, which can significantly enhance the development process.

When using the "font-display" property, the value ________ ensures the text remains invisible until the font is loaded.

  • block
  • fallback
  • invisible
  • swap
In web development, the "font-display" property is used to control how fonts are displayed. The value swap tells the browser to render text with system fonts until the custom font is loaded, making the text remain invisible until the custom font is ready.

Which property in CSS is used to set the width of the content area of an element?

  • Border
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Width
In CSS, the 'width' property is used to set the width of the content area of an element. It controls the width of the element's content, excluding padding, border, and margin.

To use a custom property in your styles, you reference it with the ________ syntax.

  • # symbol
  • $ symbol
  • & symbol
  • @ symbol
To use a custom property in your styles in CSS, you reference it with the @ symbol. Custom properties, also known as CSS variables, are defined using the :root pseudo-class, and their values can be accessed and used in your styles by prefixing the custom property name with the @ symbol.

How does the inherit value in CSS function?

  • It applies a default value to the element.
  • It has no effect on the element's styling.
  • It makes the element inherit the computed value of the property from its parent element.
  • It prevents inheritance from the parent element.
The inherit value in CSS makes the element inherit the computed value of the property from its parent element. It ensures that the property's value is taken from the parent element, allowing for consistent styling throughout the document.