The CSS function ______ allows you to perform arithmetic calculations directly within your stylesheets.

  • arithmetic()
  • calc()
  • compute()
  • math()
The correct CSS function that enables you to perform arithmetic calculations directly within your stylesheets is calc(). This function is particularly useful for dynamically adjusting styles based on calculations, making it a powerful tool for responsive design and layout adjustments.

SCSS functions can be used to perform ________ before the CSS is compiled.

  • Code execution
  • Conditional statements
  • Looping operations
  • Mathematical calculations
SCSS functions can be used to perform mathematical calculations, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication, before the CSS is compiled. This allows you to generate dynamic and responsive styles based on input values.

You are developing a website where you want to use modern CSS features not yet supported in all browsers. How can you ensure compatibility without manually writing fallbacks?

  • Use a CSS preprocessor like SASS
  • Employ a PostCSS plugin
  • Write conditional JavaScript code
  • Ignore unsupported features
To ensure compatibility with modern CSS features, you can use a PostCSS plugin like "autoprefixer" that automatically generates fallback code for unsupported features, allowing you to write modern CSS with confidence. This minimizes the need for manual fallbacks.

You are tasked with creating a list where every even item has a gray background. Which CSS selector would help you accomplish this?

  • :even
  • :nth-child(even)
  • :nth-child(odd)
  • :odd
To select every even item in a list, you should use the :nth-child(even) selector. This will apply the styling to the elements with even indices in the list, which will give them a gray background in this scenario.

The ________ property in CSS is used to apply an animation to an element.

  • animation-delay
  • animation-duration
  • animation-iteration-count
  • animation-name
To apply an animation to an element in CSS, you use the animation-name property to specify the name of the animation defined with the @keyframes rule. This property associates the element with the animation it should use.

In a large project, you want to have separate SCSS files for variables, mixins, and base styles. How would you structure and integrate them into a main SCSS file?

  • Import the separate SCSS files for variables, mixins, and base styles at the beginning of the main SCSS file.
  • Manually copy and paste the content of the separate SCSS files into the main SCSS file.
  • Use JavaScript to dynamically load the separate SCSS files when needed.
  • Use external libraries to handle the integration of SCSS files.
To structure and integrate separate SCSS files, you should use the @import directive in the main SCSS file. Import the separate SCSS files for variables, mixins, and base styles at the beginning of the main SCSS file. This allows you to maintain a modular and organized codebase.

If you have two conflicting CSS rules that point to the same element, how does CSS determine which one to apply?

  • The first rule encountered in the stylesheet is applied.
  • The last rule encountered in the stylesheet is applied.
  • The rule with the highest specificity is applied.
  • The rule with the most specific selector is applied.
When two CSS rules conflict and apply to the same element, the last rule encountered in the stylesheet takes precedence. This is known as the "cascading" nature of CSS.

In SASS or SCSS, the ________ allows you to reference the parent selector within a nested rule.

  • !
  • #
  • &
  • @
In SASS or SCSS, the ampersand (&) symbol is used to reference the parent selector within a nested rule. This is useful for creating more specific or complex selectors based on the parent selector's context. For example, you can use &:hover to apply styles when the parent element is hovered.

What does the animation-fill-mode property do in a CSS animation?

  • It specifies the animation duration.
  • It defines the timing function for the animation.
  • It controls the behavior of the element before and after the animation.
  • It sets the animation name.
The animation-fill-mode property is used to control the behavior of the animated element before and after the animation execution. It can have values like "none," "forwards," "backwards," and "both." "None" is the default value, which means the element doesn't maintain any styles before or after the animation. "Forwards" retains the styles after the animation ends, and "backwards" maintains the styles before the animation starts. "Both" keeps the styles both before and after the animation.

In terms of performance, why might you opt for the "woff2" font format over others?

  • WOFF2 files are typically smaller in size
  • WOFF2 fonts are easier to load asynchronously
  • WOFF2 fonts are supported by more browsers
  • WOFF2 provides higher quality and clearer text rendering
Opting for the "woff2" font format over others can improve web performance because WOFF2 files are generally smaller in size. Smaller files mean faster downloads and quicker web page rendering, resulting in a better user experience.