You're refactoring a website's CSS and want to separate styles that apply to layout from those that apply to modules. Which methodology would provide guidelines for this type of separation?

  • ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS)
  • ACSS (Atomic CSS)
  • RSCSS (Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure)
  • OOCSS (Object-Oriented CSS)
To separate styles that apply to layout from those that apply to modules, you should consider the ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS) methodology. ITCSS offers a scalable and logical structure for your stylesheets, with layers that guide you in distinguishing between core layout styles and module-specific styles, promoting maintainability and organization.

The ________ property in CSS specifies how overflows should be handled when the content overflows its block container.

  • overflow
  • overflow-type
  • overflow-x
  • overflow-y
The "overflow" property in CSS is used to specify how overflows should be handled when content overflows its block container. It can take values like "visible," "hidden," "scroll," and "auto" to control the display of content that overflows its container.

In a responsive design, the term ______ is used to describe a layout that adjusts and looks good on all screen sizes.

  • adaptive
  • dynamic
  • fixed
  • fluid
In responsive design, the term "adaptive" describes a layout that adjusts and looks good on all screen sizes and devices. An adaptive design ensures that the content and layout respond effectively to various screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience.

You're tasked with creating a spinner loader animation that rotates 360 degrees indefinitely. How would you define this in the @keyframes rule?

  • @keyframes rotate { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } }
  • @keyframes rotate { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }
  • @keyframes rotate { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 360% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }
  • @keyframes rotate { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }
To create a spinner loader animation that rotates 360 degrees indefinitely, you would define it using the @keyframes rule. The correct definition uses Option 2: @keyframes rotate { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }. This specifies a continuous rotation animation starting from 0 degrees and ending at 360 degrees, creating an infinite spinning effect.

You're designing a photo gallery using a grid layout. Each row should display three images. The middle image in each row should be twice as large as the images on its sides. How would you achieve this?

  • Use grid-template-areas property.
  • Apply grid-row: span 2 to the middle image.
  • Use grid-template-columns with explicit column sizes.
  • Set grid-auto-flow: dense.
To achieve this layout, you should apply grid-row: span 2 to the middle image. This CSS rule will make the middle image span two rows, making it twice as large as the other images in the row.

In SCSS, the @import directive allows you to ________.

  • Create a new CSS class
  • Define variables
  • Import external CSS files
  • Set media queries
The @import directive in SCSS is used to import external CSS files into your SCSS code. It's a way to modularize your styles and manage them in separate files, promoting better organization and maintainability.

You want to set a global color scheme for a website using CSS variables. Where would be the best place to define these custom properties?

  • In a separate CSS variables file
  • In an external CSS file
  • In the CSS for each individual element
  • In the HTML section
To set a global color scheme for a website using CSS variables, it's best to define these custom properties in an external CSS file. This allows you to centralize your variable definitions, making it easier to maintain and update the color scheme across your entire website. While you can define CSS variables in other places like the HTML section or inline CSS for specific elements, it's not as efficient or maintainable for global color schemes.

Which CSS property is used to control the time between the end of one animation iteration and the start of the next?

  • animation-delay
  • animation-duration
  • animation-play-state
  • animation-timing-function
The animation-delay property is used to control the time between the end of one animation iteration and the start of the next. It specifies a delay before the animation begins and can be helpful for creating timed animations and controlling their sequence.

In Flexbox, how would you align all items to the center of the container both vertically and horizontally?

  • Apply justify-content: center and align-items: center.
  • Apply margin: auto to all flex items.
  • Set display: flex; and align-content: center.
  • Use text-align: center on the container element.
To align all items both vertically and horizontally in a Flexbox container, you can use justify-content: center to center items horizontally and align-items: center to center them vertically. This combination ensures that items are centered in the container along both axes.

The text-indent property in CSS is used to adjust ________.

  • letter spacing
  • line height
  • text alignment
  • the first line of a block of text
The "text-indent" property in CSS is used to adjust the indentation of the first line of a block of text. It specifies the amount by which the first line of a block-level element should be indented from the left margin.