What is the purpose of using alt text on images in Bootstrap for accessibility?
- Provides alternative content for screen readers
- Defines the image width and height
- Adds a border around images
- Sets the image background color
In Bootstrap, using alt text on images serves the purpose of providing alternative content for screen readers. This descriptive text is read out loud to users who may not be able to see the image, enhancing the accessibility and understanding of the content.
Q2: Given a complex layout, how would you prioritize grid classes for different screen sizes in Bootstrap?
- col-lg-4, col-md-12, col-sm-12, col-xs-12
- col-lg-4, col-md-6, col-sm-12, col-xs-12
- col-xs-12, col-sm-12, col-md-12, col-lg-4
- col-xs-12, col-sm-12, col-md-6, col-lg-4
Prioritizing grid classes in Bootstrap involves ordering them from larger to smaller screens. In this case, 'col-lg-4' comes first for large screens, followed by 'col-md-6' for medium screens, and finally 'col-sm-12' and 'col-xs-12' for small and extra-small screens.
How do Bootstrap's classes and components interact with JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular?
- They seamlessly integrate with no additional steps
- They require a separate adapter for compatibility
- They are not compatible at all
- Compatibility depends on the specific components used
When using Bootstrap with React or Angular, a separate adapter is needed to ensure smooth integration. This is because the two operate differently, and Bootstrap components may need additional handling in the respective frameworks.
In a scenario where a third-party JS library causes layout issues in Bootstrap, what troubleshooting steps would you take?
- Analyze the library's documentation for compatibility issues
- Inspect the console for errors and conflicts
- Remove the library and find an alternative
- Adjust Bootstrap's grid system to accommodate the library
When a third-party library disrupts Bootstrap layout, checking the console for errors helps identify conflicts, allowing precise troubleshooting without removing the library.
For a full-width navigation bar that extends the entire viewport, use the 'navbar-___' class in Bootstrap.
- fluid
- wide
- full
- expanded
In Bootstrap, the 'navbar-fluid' class is used for a full-width navigation bar that spans the entire viewport. It ensures that the navigation bar occupies the entire width of the screen, providing a clean and expansive look.
The utility class 'text-___-center' in Bootstrap is used for centering text on specific screen sizes.
- justify
- align
- xs
- sm
In Bootstrap, the class 'text-{sm or xs}-center' is used to center text on specific screen sizes. The 'sm' and 'xs' refer to small and extra-small screen sizes, respectively.
What Bootstrap class is used to group form controls and labels for inline forms?
- 'form-horizontal'
- 'form-inline'
- 'form-group'
- 'inline-group'
The 'form-inline' class is used in Bootstrap to create inline forms, grouping form controls and labels horizontally. 'form-group' is used for vertical grouping in regular forms.
For responsive font sizes, Bootstrap uses the class 'fs-___'.
- lg
- responsive
- auto
- 5
In Bootstrap, the class 'fs-lg' is used for responsive font sizes. The 'lg' represents large, and it adjusts the font size based on the screen size.
How do you apply zebra-striping to a table in Bootstrap?
- .table-striped
- .table-zebra
- .table-stripe
- .table-hover
Zebra-striping is applied using the .table-striped class in Bootstrap. This class adds a light background color to odd rows, providing a striped appearance to the table. It enhances readability and visual appeal.
Describe the steps to create a custom loading animation in Bootstrap that activates while data is fetched from a server.
- loader, loading-animation, custom-loader, loader-animate
- loader, spinner, loading, spinner-animate
- custom-loader, loader-spin, spin, loader-animate
- spinner, loader, loading, loader-spin
To create a custom loading animation in Bootstrap for server data fetching, apply the 'spinner' class. This class, combined with 'loader' and 'loading,' ensures a visually appealing spinner animation during the data retrieval process.