For configuration in an ASP.NET Core application, which of the following providers is NOT a default configuration provider?

  • JSON Configuration Provider
  • XML Configuration Provider
  • Environment Variables Configuration Provider
  • Database Configuration Provider
In ASP.NET Core, JSON, XML, and Environment Variables Configuration Providers are default providers for configuration settings. However, Database Configuration Provider is not a default provider. Developers typically use it when they need to store configuration settings in a database.

Which method is commonly used in the Startup.cs file to enable the serving of static files in an ASP.NET Core application?

  • app.UseStaticFiles()
  • app.EnableStaticFiles()
  • app.ServeStaticFiles()
  • app.StaticFiles()
The app.UseStaticFiles() method is commonly used in the Startup.cs file to enable the serving of static files in an ASP.NET Core application. This middleware allows you to serve files such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images directly from your web application. It's a crucial step for rendering client-side resources.

When using Entity Framework Core, how can developers specify relationships like one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many between entities?

  • Fluent API
  • Annotations
  • Data Annotations
  • Model Builder
Developers can specify relationships like one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many between entities using the Fluent API in Entity Framework Core. The Fluent API provides a more flexible and explicit way to define relationships and configure various aspects of the database schema.

How can you handle optimistic concurrency in Entity Framework Core?

  • Use database locks
  • Use pessimistic concurrency
  • Use timestamps or row version columns
  • Manually update records
Optimistic concurrency in EF Core is typically handled by using timestamps or row version columns in the database. When two users try to update the same record concurrently, EF Core checks if the row version has changed since the data was initially loaded, and if so, it raises a concurrency exception, allowing you to handle the conflict.

In your new job, you're asked to ensure that user passwords are at least 8 characters long. Where in the ASP.NET Core Identity would you set this requirement?

  • IdentityOptions
  • Startup.cs
  • AccountController.cs
  • UserManager
In ASP.NET Core Identity, you can set password requirements like length using the IdentityOptions configuration in the Startup.cs file. This allows you to enforce policies such as minimum password length, special characters, and more.

What advantage does the "Web Application (Model-View-Controller)" template offer over the "Web Application" template in terms of structuring the application?

  • It uses Angular for the front-end.
  • It provides a clear separation of concerns with the MVC pattern.
  • It has built-in authentication and authorization.
  • It supports only RESTful APIs.
The "Web Application (Model-View-Controller)" template follows the MVC pattern, which enforces a clear separation of concerns between the model (data), view (presentation), and controller (logic). This separation makes it easier to manage and maintain the application as it grows in complexity. The "Web Application" template, on the other hand, may not enforce this separation as strictly.

If you want to code for ASP.NET Core and prefer a lightweight, cross-platform editor, which tool would you likely use?

  • Visual Studio
  • JetBrains Rider
  • Sublime Text
  • Visual Studio Code
If you prefer a lightweight, cross-platform editor for coding ASP.NET Core applications, Visual Studio Code is an excellent choice. It offers a wide range of extensions and supports various programming languages, making it a popular choice among developers for web development, including ASP.NET Core.

Your application needs to restrict access based on the originating country of the request. How would you leverage middleware to achieve this requirement?

  • Use GeoIP databases within a custom middleware
  • Implement authorization policies
  • Create a filter attribute for country-based access
  • Modify the routing system
To restrict access based on the originating country of a request, you would typically use a custom middleware that utilizes GeoIP databases. This middleware can inspect the incoming request's IP address, determine the country, and then make access decisions accordingly. Authorization policies are more suitable for handling user roles and permissions, not geographical restrictions.

In ASP.NET Core, the _______ tag helper can be used to generate anchor (link) elements that link to MVC actions.

  • a
  • link
  • action
  • route
In ASP.NET Core, the a tag helper is used to generate anchor (link) elements that link to MVC actions. It simplifies the creation of hyperlinks to various parts of your application, making it easier to navigate between views and actions.

Where in an ASP.NET Core project would you typically find database migration files?

  • Controllers
  • Data
  • Models
  • Services
In an ASP.NET Core project, you would typically find database migration files in the "Data" folder. Database migration files are used to manage changes to the database schema over time. They define how the database structure evolves with updates to the application, making it easier to keep the database schema in sync with the application's requirements.