What is the purpose of the UseMvc method in the Startup.cs file?

  • Configures routing for MVC
  • Sets up the database connection
  • Registers a middleware
  • Defines a controller
The UseMvc method in Startup.cs is used to configure routing for the ASP.NET Core MVC framework. It sets up how incoming HTTP requests are mapped to controller actions, allowing you to define the URL structure and route parameters. This is crucial for handling requests and directing them to the appropriate controllers and actions.

How can you make certain sections optional in a Razor Layout View?

  • Using @section Optional {}
  • Using @section Optional { ... }
  • Using @if (IsSectionDefined("Optional")) { ... }
  • Using @optional { ... }
In a Razor Layout View, you can make sections optional by checking if the section is defined using @if (IsSectionDefined("Optional")). This way, the section will only be rendered if it's defined in the child view. The other options are not valid approaches for making sections optional.

You're creating a Razor view and want to use a different layout just for this specific view, overriding the default. How can you specify a different layout within your Razor view?

  • Using @layout directive
  • Using @section directive
  • Modifying the _Layout.cshtml file
  • It's not possible to override the layout for a specific view
To use a different layout for a specific Razor view and override the default layout, you can specify it within the view using the @layout directive. This allows you to selectively apply layouts to specific views, providing flexibility in your application's design.

In the earlier versions of ASP.NET Core that used project.json, which section would you look into to find out the target framework(s) for the application?

  • dependencies
  • frameworks
  • scripts
  • buildOptions
In project.json files used in earlier versions of ASP.NET Core, the "frameworks" section was used to define the target framework(s) for the application. This section specified the runtime and API surface that the application would use.

You're trying to locate your application's main CSS files in an ASP.NET Core project. In which directory would you typically find them?

  • wwwroot/css
  • Controllers
  • Models
  • Views
In an ASP.NET Core project, static web assets, such as CSS files, JavaScript files, and images, are typically stored in the "wwwroot" directory. The "wwwroot/css" folder is a common location for CSS files. This separation allows these assets to be served directly to clients without going through the application's routing and controllers.

The process of generating a unique token for password reset or email confirmation in ASP.NET Core Identity is handled by the _________ service.

  • TokenGeneration
  • EmailService
  • TokenService
  • IdentityServer
The process of generating a unique token for password reset or email confirmation in ASP.NET Core Identity is handled by the TokenService. This service generates tokens for various purposes, such as password reset, email confirmation, and two-factor authentication. It ensures the security and uniqueness of these tokens, making them suitable for authentication and authorization processes.

For configuration in an ASP.NET Core application, which of the following providers is NOT a default configuration provider?

  • JSON Configuration Provider
  • XML Configuration Provider
  • Environment Variables Configuration Provider
  • Database Configuration Provider
In ASP.NET Core, JSON, XML, and Environment Variables Configuration Providers are default providers for configuration settings. However, Database Configuration Provider is not a default provider. Developers typically use it when they need to store configuration settings in a database.

Which method is commonly used in the Startup.cs file to enable the serving of static files in an ASP.NET Core application?

  • app.UseStaticFiles()
  • app.EnableStaticFiles()
  • app.ServeStaticFiles()
  • app.StaticFiles()
The app.UseStaticFiles() method is commonly used in the Startup.cs file to enable the serving of static files in an ASP.NET Core application. This middleware allows you to serve files such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images directly from your web application. It's a crucial step for rendering client-side resources.

When using Entity Framework Core, how can developers specify relationships like one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many between entities?

  • Fluent API
  • Annotations
  • Data Annotations
  • Model Builder
Developers can specify relationships like one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many between entities using the Fluent API in Entity Framework Core. The Fluent API provides a more flexible and explicit way to define relationships and configure various aspects of the database schema.

How can you handle optimistic concurrency in Entity Framework Core?

  • Use database locks
  • Use pessimistic concurrency
  • Use timestamps or row version columns
  • Manually update records
Optimistic concurrency in EF Core is typically handled by using timestamps or row version columns in the database. When two users try to update the same record concurrently, EF Core checks if the row version has changed since the data was initially loaded, and if so, it raises a concurrency exception, allowing you to handle the conflict.