You've been tasked with setting up a new ASP.NET Core Razor project. In the context of Razor views, where would you define namespaces to be used across multiple views to avoid repetitive code?

  • In each Razor view individually
  • In the _ViewImports.cshtml file
  • In the Startup.cs file
  • In the appsettings.json file
In ASP.NET Core Razor views, you can define namespaces that should be used across multiple views in the _ViewImports.cshtml file. This helps avoid repetitive code by making the namespaces available globally within the project's views.

What was one of the main criticisms or challenges faced by developers with project.json leading to its replacement?

  • Limited MSBuild Integration
  • Lack of JSON Support
  • Complexity in Dependency Management
  • Inefficient Compilation
One of the main criticisms of project.json was its limited MSBuild integration. This made it challenging to integrate with existing build systems and tools, leading to its replacement with the more MSBuild-oriented csproj format in ASP.NET Core.

You're refactoring a legacy ASP.NET Core project, and you see repetitive namespace imports in various Razor views. What would be the best approach to clean up and organize these imports?

  • Remove all namespace imports, and rely on global imports for common namespaces.
  • Keep the repetitive imports to avoid breaking existing functionality.
  • Create a common _ViewImports.cshtml file for shared namespaces.
  • Write custom code to dynamically manage namespace imports.
The best approach to clean up and organize repetitive namespace imports in Razor views is to create a common _ViewImports.cshtml file for shared namespaces. This file can be placed in the project root or a shared folder and then referenced by all the Razor views. This helps maintain consistency, reduces redundancy, and simplifies future updates to shared namespaces.

The _________ method can be used to refresh sign-in information of a user in scenarios like role update.

  • RefreshSignInAsync
  • UpdateUserSignIn
  • RenewSignInToken
  • ValidateSignIn
The RefreshSignInAsync method can be used to refresh the sign-in information of a user in scenarios like role updates or other security-sensitive operations. This method generates a new security token for the user, helping to prevent token-based attacks and ensuring the user's session remains secure.

You are working on an ASP.NET Core web API project, and you realize that direct database operations can expose sensitive information in the error messages to the clients. How can you ensure that Entity Framework Core doesn't throw detailed database errors to the client?

  • Use Exception Filters
  • Configure Error Pages
  • Enable Developer Exception Page
  • Use Exception Handling Middleware
To ensure that Entity Framework Core doesn't throw detailed database errors to the client, you should use "Exception Handling Middleware." This middleware intercepts exceptions, handles them, and returns a user-friendly error response to the client without exposing sensitive database details.

JWT or JSON Web Tokens are often used in conjunction with the _________ authentication scheme in ASP.NET Core.

  • Bearer
  • Digest
  • OAuth
  • Windows
JWT or JSON Web Tokens are often used in conjunction with the Bearer authentication scheme in ASP.NET Core. The Bearer scheme is commonly used to secure APIs and web applications, where a client includes a JWT token in the HTTP Authorization header to authenticate and authorize their requests. This scheme is based on the bearer token concept, where possession of the token is sufficient for authentication.

In complex scenarios where the built-in routing doesn't suffice, developers can leverage the _______ class for more advanced configurations.

  • RouteOptions
  • RouteMapper
  • RouteBuilder
  • RouteConfig
In advanced routing scenarios where the built-in routing capabilities of ASP.NET Core are insufficient, developers can leverage the RouteBuilder class. It provides more fine-grained control over route configuration, enabling customization and complex routing setups.

When optimizing EF Core queries, what tool or technique can be used to review the generated SQL statements?

  • SQL Profiler
  • EF Core Inspector
  • Database Tuning Advisor
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
To optimize EF Core queries, you can use a SQL Profiler tool, such as SQL Server Profiler. These tools allow you to capture and review the generated SQL statements, analyze query performance, and identify areas for improvement. It's a crucial step in fine-tuning your application's database interactions.

You have just started learning about ASP.NET Core MVC and came across the term "Routing." What is the primary purpose of routing in MVC applications?

  • Managing the database
  • Handling HTTP requests and mapping them to controller actions
  • Rendering HTML views
  • Defining authentication and authorization rules
Routing in ASP.NET Core MVC is primarily responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and mapping them to the appropriate controller actions. It determines which controller and action method should respond to a particular URL, making it a crucial part of request handling and processing.

Unlike the traditional ASP.NET which relied on System.Web.dll, ASP.NET Core operates on a set of granular and modular _________ packages.

  • NuGet
  • .NET Framework
  • GAC
  • Windows Registry
ASP.NET Core utilizes NuGet packages for its dependencies, unlike the monolithic System.Web.dll used in traditional ASP.NET. NuGet packages allow for a more modular and granular approach to including libraries, reducing the size of your application and making it more efficient.