In an ASP.NET Core project, the ________ folder is used to store view templates for MVC applications.

  • Views
  • Models
  • Controllers
  • Services
In ASP.NET Core MVC applications, the "Views" folder is used to store view templates. Views are responsible for rendering the user interface and displaying data to the user. They are typically associated with controller actions and define how the data is presented to the user.

In the context of Entity Framework Core, what is the "N+1" problem, and how can it affect database performance?

  • A problem related to mathematical calculations in EF Core
  • A performance issue where each related entity is loaded individually
  • A database schema design issue
  • An error in LINQ queries
The "N+1" problem refers to a performance issue in Entity Framework Core where related entities are loaded individually in a loop instead of being loaded together with the main entity. This can lead to a large number of database queries and significantly affect database performance.

When securing ASP.NET Core applications, the ________ attribute can be applied to ensure certain actions or controllers are accessible only to authenticated users.

  • [Authorize]
  • [AllowAnonymous]
  • [RequireHttps]
  • [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
The [Authorize] attribute in ASP.NET Core is used to secure actions or controllers by specifying that only authenticated users are allowed access. It is a fundamental part of ASP.NET Core's security infrastructure.

Which method is typically used to sign a user out in ASP.NET Core?

  • Logout()
  • SignOut()
  • TerminateSession()
  • Disconnect()
The typical method used to sign a user out in ASP.NET Core is SignOut(). It clears the user's authentication cookies or tokens, effectively ending their authenticated session.

Which feature of ASP.NET Core allows real-time communication between the server and connected clients?

  • SignalR
  • RESTful APIs
  • WebSockets
  • gRPC
SignalR is a library in ASP.NET Core that enables real-time communication between the server and connected clients. It allows for features like chat applications, live notifications, and collaborative experiences in web applications. SignalR uses WebSockets when available but falls back to other techniques like long polling for broader compatibility.

Which tool can you use to create a new ASP.NET Core project?

  • Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode, Android Studio
  • Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, PyCharm
  • Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Notepad++
  • All of the above
You can use Visual Studio, a popular integrated development environment (IDE), to create a new ASP.NET Core project. Visual Studio provides a rich set of features for .NET development, making it a preferred choice for many developers. Other IDEs like Eclipse, Xcode, and Android Studio are not typically used for ASP.NET Core development.

In your application, you wish to log all exceptions globally and also return a custom JSON response to the client whenever an error occurs. Which approach would you take in ASP.NET Core to fulfill this requirement?

  • Using the app.UseExceptionHandler middleware
  • Implementing a custom exception filter
  • Wrapping every action method in try-catch blocks
  • Modifying the Startup.cs file
In ASP.NET Core, you can use the app.UseExceptionHandler middleware to log all exceptions globally. You can configure it to capture exceptions and then return a custom JSON response to the client. This middleware centralizes exception handling and provides a clean way to achieve this requirement without modifying each action method or using custom filters.

You have heard about real-time web technologies and are curious about one that can be used with ASP.NET Core to develop chat applications. Which technology is commonly used for this purpose?

  • WebSockets
  • FTP
  • SMTP
  • SSH
WebSockets are commonly used with ASP.NET Core to develop real-time chat applications. They allow bidirectional communication between the server and client, making them ideal for chat and other real-time applications.

Which file is typically used in ASP.NET Core to specify the default layout for Razor views?

  • _Layout.cshtml
  • web.config
  • Startup.cs
  • appsettings.json
In ASP.NET Core, the default layout for Razor views is typically specified in a file named "_Layout.cshtml." This file contains the common HTML structure, including headers, footers, and navigation menus, that will be applied to multiple views in your application.

How does ASP.NET Core achieve cross-platform compatibility?

  • Embracing .NET 5 and later
  • Implementing Platform-Specific Code
  • Using the .NET Framework
  • Utilizing .NET Standard
ASP.NET Core achieves cross-platform compatibility by embracing .NET 5 and later versions. These versions are designed to be cross-platform, allowing ASP.NET Core applications to run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Unlike the older .NET Framework, which was primarily Windows-centric, ASP.NET Core's use of .NET 5 and later versions enables platform-agnostic development.