API testing requires understanding the _________ of the API to ensure comprehensive coverage.

  • Database schema
  • External interfaces
  • Internal workings
  • User interface
Understanding the external interfaces of an API is crucial in API testing to ensure that all interactions with external components, such as clients or other services, are handled correctly for comprehensive test coverage.

How would you approach testing an application that integrates multiple third-party APIs with varying rate limits and data formats?

  • Assume that if each API works independently, the integration will work seamlessly.
  • Conduct load testing only on APIs with the highest rate limits to cover potential bottlenecks.
  • Implement a test harness to simulate different API rate limits and data formats, assessing the application's response.
  • Rely on the third-party APIs to provide consistent rate limits and data formats.
Creating a test harness allows emulating various API scenarios, helping identify potential issues with rate limits and data formats in the integrated environment.

Which OAuth grant type is most suitable for a web application accessing an API on behalf of a user?

  • Authorization Code
  • Client Credentials
  • Implicit
  • Resource Owner Password Credentials
OAuth 2.0 provides the Authorization Code grant type for web applications, allowing them to obtain access tokens securely on behalf of a user. This involves exchanging an authorization code for an access token.

In negative testing, checking for _________ helps to ensure that API does not expose sensitive data on invalid inputs.

  • Error Handling
  • Exception Handling
  • Security Vulnerabilities
  • Unauthorized Access
In negative testing, checking for unauthorized access helps ensure that the API does not expose sensitive data when faced with invalid inputs. Unauthorized access attempts are common attack vectors, and robust security measures are essential to protect sensitive information.

In the context of microservices architecture, how is error handling managed across different services?

  • Ignoring errors for faster response times
  • Implementing centralized error handling
  • Relying on individual service logs
  • Using distributed tracing tools
In microservices architecture, error handling across different services is often managed using distributed tracing tools. These tools provide visibility into the flow of requests and responses across various microservices, allowing for the identification and diagnosis of errors that span multiple services. Centralized error handling and logging can complement distributed tracing, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing and troubleshooting errors in a distributed environment.

How does Equivalence Partitioning help in identifying edge cases in API testing?

  • By dividing input data into different groups
  • By executing all possible combinations
  • By focusing only on valid inputs
  • By providing a specific set of test cases
Equivalence Partitioning involves categorizing input data into equivalence classes. This helps in identifying edge cases by selecting representative test cases from each class, ensuring thorough coverage and testing for various scenarios. It allows testers to focus on specific data sets that are likely to expose potential issues in the API.

What strategy should be employed when an API deprecation is likely to cause significant disruption to existing workflows?

  • Abruptly shut down the deprecated API without notice
  • Keep extending the deprecation period indefinitely
  • Offer alternatives but provide no deprecation timeline
  • Provide a long deprecation period with alternatives and backward compatibility
When an API deprecation is likely to cause disruption, it's advisable to provide a long deprecation period with alternatives and backward compatibility. This allows users to migrate at their own pace, reducing the impact on existing workflows. Abruptly shutting down the API or extending the deprecation period indefinitely can lead to frustration and business disruption.

In a scenario where API tests must be run across different platforms and devices, which feature of an automation tool is most beneficial?

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Keyword-Driven Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Parallel Execution
In scenarios where API tests need to run across different platforms and devices, Parallel Execution is the most beneficial feature of an automation tool. This allows simultaneous execution of tests across multiple environments, ensuring efficient testing across various platforms and devices. It helps in identifying any platform-specific issues and improves overall test coverage.

_________ is a key approach in microservices for ensuring that API changes do not break existing clients.

  • API Versioning
  • Incremental Versioning
  • Micro Versioning
  • Service Versioning
In microservices, API versioning is crucial to ensure smooth transitions and backward compatibility. It allows existing clients to work seamlessly with updated APIs.

If tasked with testing an API for a mobile application requiring lightweight data exchange, would you prefer RESTful or SOAP APIs?

  • GraphQL
  • RESTful
  • SOAP
  • gRPC
In scenarios where mobile applications need lightweight data exchange, RESTful APIs are preferred due to their simplicity, scalability, and ease of integration with mobile platforms. RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods and have a stateless architecture, making them suitable for mobile applications.