In a case where a GraphQL API experiences performance issues, what should be the focus of your testing strategy?

  • Caching Mechanism
  • Network Latency
  • Query Complexity
  • Schema Validation
The complexity of GraphQL queries can impact API performance. Testing and optimizing the query complexity should be a focus to address performance issues.

In the context of negative testing, ensuring proper handling of _________ is key to maintaining API stability and performance.

  • Edge Cases
  • Input Validation
  • Network Latency
  • Timeouts
In the context of negative testing, ensuring proper handling of edge cases is vital. Edge cases represent scenarios that are at the limits or boundaries of the expected input range and can uncover vulnerabilities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Proper handling of edge cases contributes to API stability and performance.

Why is continuous testing important in Agile methodologies for API development?

  • API testing is optional in Agile
  • Ensures early detection of defects
  • It helps in reducing the overall testing effort
  • It is not important in Agile
Continuous testing in Agile methodologies for API development is crucial as it ensures early detection of defects. This early identification allows for prompt issue resolution, aligning with Agile principles of delivering working software at the end of each iteration and promoting a more efficient and reliable development process.

To manage the scalability of API monitoring, integrating _________ into your monitoring strategy is essential.

  • Caching
  • Compression
  • Load Balancing
  • Tracing
Load balancing is vital for ensuring the scalability of API monitoring. By distributing incoming API requests across multiple servers, load balancing helps prevent overload on a single server, improving performance and availability. Integrating load balancing into monitoring strategies is key for handling increased traffic and maintaining system stability.

In unit testing, the emphasis is on _________, whereas API testing often requires broader test cases encompassing various system interactions.

  • Functionality
  • Isolation
  • Performance
  • Scalability
Detailed In unit testing, the emphasis is on isolation, where individual components are tested in isolation from the rest of the system. This allows for a granular examination of each component's functionality. On the other hand, API testing requires broader test cases to evaluate how different components interact with each other. Testing for scalability and performance is often essential in API testing, ensuring the system's stability under various conditions.

Which feature of API Gateways helps in managing traffic and load balancing?

  • Authentication
  • Logging
  • Rate Limiting
  • Service Discovery
Load balancing is a critical feature of API Gateways that helps distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.

API testing requires understanding the _________ of the API to ensure comprehensive coverage.

  • Database schema
  • External interfaces
  • Internal workings
  • User interface
Understanding the external interfaces of an API is crucial in API testing to ensure that all interactions with external components, such as clients or other services, are handled correctly for comprehensive test coverage.

How would you approach testing an application that integrates multiple third-party APIs with varying rate limits and data formats?

  • Assume that if each API works independently, the integration will work seamlessly.
  • Conduct load testing only on APIs with the highest rate limits to cover potential bottlenecks.
  • Implement a test harness to simulate different API rate limits and data formats, assessing the application's response.
  • Rely on the third-party APIs to provide consistent rate limits and data formats.
Creating a test harness allows emulating various API scenarios, helping identify potential issues with rate limits and data formats in the integrated environment.

Which OAuth grant type is most suitable for a web application accessing an API on behalf of a user?

  • Authorization Code
  • Client Credentials
  • Implicit
  • Resource Owner Password Credentials
OAuth 2.0 provides the Authorization Code grant type for web applications, allowing them to obtain access tokens securely on behalf of a user. This involves exchanging an authorization code for an access token.

In negative testing, checking for _________ helps to ensure that API does not expose sensitive data on invalid inputs.

  • Error Handling
  • Exception Handling
  • Security Vulnerabilities
  • Unauthorized Access
In negative testing, checking for unauthorized access helps ensure that the API does not expose sensitive data when faced with invalid inputs. Unauthorized access attempts are common attack vectors, and robust security measures are essential to protect sensitive information.