What language is used to write E2E tests in Protractor?

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • TypeScript
JavaScript is the language used to write E2E tests in Protractor, making it compatible with Angular applications, as Angular also uses JavaScript.

What is the significance of the async and fakeAsync utilities in Angular testing?

  • async is used for asynchronous unit tests
  • async is used for promise-based asynchronous tests
  • fakeAsync is used for simulating asynchronous operations
  • fakeAsync is used for synchronous unit tests
In Angular testing, the **async** utility is used to handle promise-based asynchronous tests, while the **fakeAsync** utility is used for simulating asynchronous operations in a synchronous manner. These utilities help control and test asynchronous behavior effectively in different testing scenarios.

How would you implement cross-field validation in a reactive form?

  • Create a new form module
  • Define custom validators
  • Use the FormArray class
  • Utilize Angular templates
To implement cross-field validation in a reactive form, you would typically define custom validators that check and enforce validation rules involving multiple fields.

Which feature in Angular allows you to create custom HTML elements that can be used outside Angular applications?

  • Angular Components
  • Angular Elements
  • Angular Modules
  • Angular Services
The feature in Angular that allows you to create custom HTML elements usable outside Angular applications is Angular Elements.

You are tasked with optimizing an Angular application's load time. One strategy is to minimize the number of services that are eagerly loaded. Which technique can help achieve this?

  • Using 'ngFor' directive
  • Using 'ngIf' directive
  • Using the 'async' pipe
  • Using the 'providedIn' property
To minimize the number of services that are eagerly loaded in an Angular application, you can use the 'providedIn' property to specify that a service should be lazily loaded, which can improve load time.

When you want to execute a side effect for every emission on the source Observable, but return an Observable that is identical to the source, you can use the _____ operator.

  • finalize
  • reduce
  • subscribe
  • tap
When you want to execute a side effect for every emission on the source Observable, but return an Observable that is identical to the source, you can use the tap operator.

When testing a directive, which testing utility can be used to interact with a directive's host element?

  • ComponentFixture
  • DebugElement
  • TestBed
  • TestHostDirective
In Angular testing, you can use the DebugElement to interact with a directive's host element, query elements, and trigger events.

Custom validators in Angular are functions that return an object of type ____ when the validation fails.

  • FormControl
  • ValidationErrors
  • number
  • string
Custom validators in Angular are functions that return an object of type ValidationErrors when the validation fails. The ValidationErrors object holds information about the validation error and can be used to display error messages.

How can you ensure that an Observable completes and releases resources after emitting a certain number of values?

  • Use the complete method
  • Use the finalize operator
  • Use the takeUntil operator
  • Use the unsubscribe method
To ensure an Observable completes and releases resources after emitting a certain number of values, you can use the takeUntil operator to specify a condition for completion.

What is the difference between dirty and touched properties of a form control?

  • Dirty indicates interaction, touched indicates modification.
  • Dirty indicates it's required, touched indicates it's optional.
  • Dirty indicates modification, touched indicates interaction.
  • Dirty indicates optional, touched indicates required.
In Angular, the dirty property indicates that a form control has been modified, while the touched property indicates that a form control has been interacted with (e.g., focused or blurred).