What is the main requirement for binary search to work correctly on an array?

  • The array must be reversed
  • The array must be sorted
  • The array must be unsorted
  • The array must have duplicate elements
The main requirement for binary search to work correctly on an array is that the array must be sorted. Binary search relies on the order of elements to efficiently discard half of the search space in each step.

Consider a scenario in a restaurant where orders are placed by customers and processed by the kitchen staff. How could you design a queue-based system to manage these orders efficiently?

  • Design a queue where orders are processed in a first-come, first-served manner.
  • Implement a stack-based system for order processing.
  • Randomly shuffle orders for a dynamic kitchen workflow.
  • Utilize a priority queue to prioritize orders based on complexity.
In a restaurant scenario, designing a queue-based system involves processing orders in a first-come, first-served manner. This ensures fairness and efficiency, allowing kitchen staff to handle orders in the order they are received.

Memoization is a technique used to _______ redundant computations in dynamic programming algorithms such as computing Fibonacci numbers.

  • Eliminate
  • Introduce
  • Optimize
  • Track
Memoization is a technique used to eliminate redundant computations by storing and reusing previously computed results. In the context of dynamic programming algorithms like computing Fibonacci numbers, it helps optimize the overall computation.

A hash table typically consists of an array of _______ and a hash function that maps _______ to indices in the array.

  • Buckets, keys
  • Elements, addresses
  • Linked lists, keys
  • Nodes, values
A hash table typically consists of an array of buckets and a hash function that maps keys to indices in the array. The array is divided into buckets, each capable of holding multiple key-value pairs. The hash function determines which bucket a key should go to.

Can DFS be used to find the shortest path in a graph?

  • No
  • Only in acyclic graphs
  • Only in weighted graphs
  • Yes
No, DFS does not guarantee finding the shortest path in a graph. It can find a path, but it may not be the shortest. BFS is more suitable for finding the shortest path as it explores nodes level by level.

Can BFS be used to find the shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted graph?

  • It depends
  • No
  • Only in directed graphs
  • Yes
Yes, BFS can be used to find the shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted graph. As BFS explores the graph level by level, the first time the destination node is reached, it guarantees the shortest path as it explores nodes in order of their distance from the source.

Explain the difference between the coin change problem and the knapsack problem.

  • Both problems are identical and interchangeable.
  • The coin change problem involves finding the number of ways to make a specific amount using given denominations, without considering the quantity of each coin. The knapsack problem, on the other hand, considers the weight and value of items to maximize the total value in a knapsack with limited capacity.
  • The coin change problem is a variation of the knapsack problem, with both focusing on maximizing the total value.
  • The knapsack problem involves finding the number of ways to make a specific amount using given denominations, without considering the quantity of each coin. The coin change problem, on the other hand, considers the weight and value of items.
The main difference lies in their objectives. The coin change problem aims to find the number of ways to make a specific amount, while the knapsack problem focuses on maximizing the total value considering weight constraints.

Array manipulation involves operations such as _______ and _______ to modify array elements.

  • Concatenation, rotation
  • Insertion, deletion
  • Sorting, searching
  • Traversal, deletion
Array manipulation involves operations such as insertion and deletion to modify array elements. Insertion adds elements at a specific position, and deletion removes elements from a given position, helping to manage the array's content dynamically.

Topological sorting is often used in _______ resolution, particularly in systems involving tasks with dependencies.

  • Conflict
  • Dependency
  • Priority
  • Scheduling
Topological sorting is often used in Scheduling resolution, particularly in systems involving tasks with dependencies. It helps in determining the order of execution for tasks based on their dependencies, ensuring a systematic and correct execution flow.

An array is a _______ structure that stores a collection of _______ elements.

  • Linear, Heterogeneous
  • Linear, Homogeneous
  • Non-linear, Heterogeneous
  • Non-linear, Homogeneous
An array is a linear structure that stores a collection of homogeneous elements. It means that all elements in the array are of the same data type.