What are DataGrid and DataGridView controls primarily used for?

  • Displaying tabular data
  • Drawing shapes
  • Playing audio files
  • Running scripts
DataGrid and DataGridView controls are primarily used for displaying tabular data in a grid format. They allow users to view and interact with data from various data sources such as databases or collections.

Which method is typically used to add a new row of data to a DataTable in a dataset?

  • AddNew()
  • NewRow()
  • InsertRow()
  • CreateRow()
The correct option is NewRow(). This method is used to create a new DataRow object with the same schema as the DataTable but without adding it to the table. It is commonly used to prepare a new row for insertion into the DataTable. The AddNew() method is used in BindingSource to add a new row, InsertRow() and CreateRow() are not valid methods in ADO.NET.

In the context of Repeater and DataList controls, what is meant by "ItemTemplate"?

  • A template used for styling each repeated item within the control
  • A template used for styling the footer of the control
  • A template used for styling the header of the control
  • A template used for styling the separator between items within the control
In the context of Repeater and DataList controls, the "ItemTemplate" refers to a template used for styling each repeated item within the control. It allows you to define the layout and appearance of individual items displayed by the control. This template typically includes HTML markup or controls to present data from the data source in the desired format.

Optimistic concurrency in LINQ to SQL involves comparing a record's _______ value before updating it.

  • current
  • initial
  • original
  • previous
In LINQ to SQL, optimistic concurrency involves comparing a record's original values with the values in the database before performing an update operation. This helps prevent conflicts when multiple users are updating the same record simultaneously.

In a hierarchical dataset with multiple tables, which method is used to define relationships between them?

  • Add()
  • CreateTable()
  • FillSchema()
  • SetParentRelation()
When dealing with hierarchical datasets in ADO.NET, relationships between tables are defined using the SetParentRelation() method to establish parent-child relationships between DataTables.

What does EF stand for in the context of ADO.NET Entity Framework?

  • Entity Field
  • Entity File
  • Entity Form
  • Entity Framework
Entity Framework (EF) stands for "Entity Framework". It's an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that enables developers to work with data using domain-specific objects without having to write data access code. It simplifies the data access layer and allows developers to focus on business logic.

What is the significance of the "ToList()" method in LINQ to Entities?

  • Applies sorting to query results
  • Converts query results to a List collection
  • Executes the query against the database
  • Retrieves the first element of the query results
The "ToList()" method in LINQ to Entities converts the query results to a List collection. It forces immediate execution of the query against the database and materializes the results into memory as a list. This can be useful when you need to manipulate or iterate over the query results multiple times without re-executing the query.

In ADO.NET, what is the purpose of a DataRelation?

  • Deletes a record from the database
  • Establishes a relationship between two tables in a DataSet
  • Provides a connection string to the database
  • Retrieves data from a stored procedure
A DataRelation in ADO.NET is used to establish a relationship between two tables in a DataSet. This allows for navigating between related rows and enforcing referential integrity between them. It does not provide a connection string, retrieve data from a stored procedure, or perform deletions.

The ___________ class is responsible for managing the database schema in LINQ to Entities.

  • DbContext
  • EntityModel
  • EntityContext
  • DataSchema
The correct option is "DbContext". In LINQ to Entities, the DbContext class is responsible for managing the database schema. It represents a session with the database and allows querying and saving data. The DbContext class is part of the Entity Framework and provides an abstraction over the database, allowing developers to work with entity objects rather than dealing directly with database connections and commands.

In LINQ, the into keyword is used for creating ___________ queries.

  • Combined
  • Conditional
  • Grouped
  • Nested
The into keyword in LINQ is used for creating grouped queries. It is typically used in conjunction with the group clause to group the results of a query based on a specified key. This allows for aggregating or further processing the grouped data within the query.