Which of the following are valid ways to add comments to PHP code?
- // This is a comment
- # This is a comment
- /* This is a comment */
- All of the above
PHP supports different ways to add comments. Single-line comments can be denoted with double slashes (//) or a hash symbol (#) at the beginning of a line. Multi-line comments can be enclosed between /* and */. All of the provided options are valid ways to add comments to PHP code. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.comments.php
In a PHP do...while loop, the condition is tested ______ the code block is executed.
- After
- Before
- Along with
- Within
In a PHP do...while loop, the condition is tested after the code block is executed. This means that the code block is always executed at least once, and then the condition is checked. If the condition evaluates to true, the loop continues to execute. If the condition is false, the loop terminates. The condition is evaluated at the end of each iteration, allowing the code block to execute before checking the condition for further iterations. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.do.while.php
Which of the following are valid PHP operators?
- Addition (+)
- Concatenation (.)
- Assignment (=)
- All of the above
PHP supports a wide range of operators, including arithmetic operators like addition (+), assignment operators like equals (=), and string operators like concatenation (.). These allow you to perform operations on variables and values. Learn more: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.php
You need to pass data into a block of code in your PHP script, perform some operations on the data, and then return a result. How would you accomplish this by defining and using a function?
- Define the block of code as a separate PHP script and include it using the include statement.
- Define the block of code inside an HTML