How to update a component every second?
- Use the setInterval() function in the componentDidMount() method
- Use the setInterval() function in the constructor method
- Use the setTimeout() function in the componentDidUpdate() method
- Use the setTimeout() function in the render() method
In React, you can update a component every second by using the "setInterval()" function in the "componentDidMount()" lifecycle method. This will create a timer that updates the component state every second, causing the component to re-render with the new state values. For example: componentDidMount() { this.timerID = setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000); }.
How to pass a parameter to an event handler or callback?
- Using an arrow function
- Using the bind method
- Using the event object
- Using the setState method
A parameter can be passed to an event handler or callback in React by using an arrow function. The arrow function takes the event as a parameter, along with any additional parameters that need to be passed. This approach ensures that the event object is properly handled and that the correct parameters are passed to the event handler or callback.
What is Concurrent Rendering?
- A rendering technique for low-end devices
- A rendering technique for high-end devices
- A new feature in React 18
- A way to render multiple parts of a component tree at the same time
Concurrent Rendering is a new rendering strategy introduced in React 18 that allows multiple parts of a component tree to be rendered at the same time, without blocking the UI thread. This means that the user interface can remain responsive while React is rendering updates. Concurrent Rendering is particularly useful for large and complex applications that need to maintain high performance.
What is TestRenderer package in React?
- A package for mocking HTTP requests
- A package for generating test data
- A tool for simulating component rendering without deep rendering
- A tool for rendering React components to JSON format
TestRenderer is a package that allows developers to render React components to a JSON format, making it easier to test and debug components. It is used for snapshot testing and is similar to the ReactTestUtils package.
How Relay is different from Redux?
- Relay is a library for handling forms in Redux applications, while Redux is a state management library
- Relay is a state management library, while Redux is a library for handling network requests
- Relay is a library for handling data fetching and caching, while Redux is a state management library
- Relay is a library for handling routing in Redux applications, while Redux is a state management library
Relay is a library for handling data fetching and caching in React applications. It is often used in conjunction with GraphQL APIs. While Redux is a state management library, Relay focuses specifically on data fetching and caching. Relay provides a number of features, such as declarative data requirements, automatic query generation, and optimistic updates.
How to make AJAX call and In which component lifecycle methods should I make an AJAX call?
- Use the "XMLHttpRequest" object in the "componentDidUpdate()" method
- Use the "axios" library in the "componentWillMount()" method
- Use the "fetch" API in the "componentDidMount()" method
- Use the "jQuery.ajax" function in the "componentWillReceiveProps()" method
In React, you can make an AJAX call by using the "fetch" API or a library like Axios or jQuery. The recommended lifecycle method to make an AJAX call is "componentDidMount()", which is called once the component has been mounted to the DOM. This method is a good place to fetch data from an API or server, and update the component state with the new data.
What are styled components?
- A way to define styles in a separate CSS file
- A way to define styles using inline styles in JavaScript
- A way to define styles using a preprocessor like Sass or Less
- A library for creating React components with embedded styles
Styled components are a library for creating React components with embedded styles. They allow you to define styles directly in your JavaScript code using tagged template literals, which makes it easy to style your components based on props and state. Styled components also provide a number of other features, such as server-side rendering, theming, and global styles.
Why do we use array destructuring (square brackets notation) in useState?
- It's a personal preference of the developer
- It's required by the React API
- It's a cleaner way to write the code
- It allows us to name the state variables
When using useState in React, the function returns an array with two elements: the state value and a function to update the state value. By using array destructuring (square brackets notation), we can name the state variables to make our code more readable and easier to maintain.
Is it keys should be globally unique?
- Yes, always
- No, never
- It depends on the use case
In React, keys should be globally unique whenever possible. This helps React identify which items have changed, added, or removed from a list, and update the UI accordingly. While keys do not have to be globally unique in all cases, it is generally a best practice to use unique keys whenever possible.
What is Redux Thunk?
- A Redux middleware for handling asynchronous actions
- A React component for handling forms
- A JavaScript testing framework
- A UI toolkit for building web applications
Redux Thunk is a middleware for Redux that allows you to write asynchronous logic that interacts with a Redux store. It enables you to dispatch asynchronous actions, such as API requests, and handle them in a synchronous way.
How to set initial state in Redux?
- Set the initialState property in the reducer function
- Dispatch an action to set the initial state
- Use the createStore() function to set the initial state
- There is no way to set the initial state in Redux
To set the initial state in Redux, you can set the initialState property in the reducer function when creating the Redux store. This allows you to set the initial state for the entire Redux store or for a specific slice of the store.
What is Redux Form?
- A library for managing forms in Redux applications
- A middleware for handling asynchronous actions
- A React component for building UI forms
- A feature of React for managing application state
Redux Form is a library that provides a simple and efficient way to manage forms in Redux applications. It allows you to easily create and manage form components using a simple declarative syntax. Redux Form provides a range of features, including form validation, field normalization, and asynchronous form submission.