Your application requires some complex queries which might not be easily achievable using LINQ. With Entity Framework Core, how can you directly execute SQL queries against the database?
- FromSqlRaw
- ExecuteSqlCommand
- RunSqlQuery
- QuerySQL
In Entity Framework Core, you can directly execute raw SQL queries against the database using the FromSqlRaw method. This allows you to write custom SQL queries when LINQ isn't suitable for your complex query requirements, but it should be used with caution to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Which directive in _ViewImports.cshtml allows you to set the base class for the Razor views?
- @inherits
- @model
- @using
- @layout
The correct directive to set the base class for Razor views in _ViewImports.cshtml is @inherits. This directive specifies the full name of the class that the view should inherit from. It allows you to establish a custom base class for all views in a folder or the entire application, enabling you to add shared functionality to your views.
In ASP.NET Core, how can you enforce an authenticated user to have a specific role to access a resource?
- Use the [Authorize] attribute with the "Roles" parameter
- Use the [AllowAnonymous] attribute
- Use the [Authorize] attribute with the "Permissions" parameter
- Use the [Authorize] attribute without any parameters
To enforce that only users with a specific role can access a resource, you should use the [Authorize] attribute with the "Roles" parameter. This restricts access to users who belong to the specified role.
You've modified the properties of the IdentityUser class in your ASP.NET Core project. Before deploying these changes to production, which of the following steps is crucial to ensure the database reflects these modifications?
- Delete the existing database and recreate it
- Run Entity Framework Core's "Add-Migration" command
- Manually update the database schema
- No action needed
To ensure the database reflects the modified IdentityUser class, you should run Entity Framework Core's "Add-Migration" command. This command generates a new migration containing the necessary SQL scripts to update the database schema to match the changes made to your model.
In ASP.NET Core Identity, how can you enforce that passwords must contain a special character during user registration?
- Using a Regular Expression
- Configuration File
- Custom Middleware
- Dependency Injection
In ASP.NET Core Identity, you can enforce password complexity rules, such as requiring special characters, by using a regular expression pattern. This pattern is typically configured in the Startup.cs or a similar configuration file and defines the password policy.
Entity Framework Core's capability to work with multiple databases and switch between them based on certain criteria is known as _________.
- Database Switching
- Multi-Database Handling
- Database Providers
- Database Sharding
Entity Framework Core's capability to work with multiple databases and switch between them based on certain criteria is known as "Database Providers." Different database providers, such as Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc., can be used with EF Core to interact with various database systems seamlessly.
If you want to customize the response sent back to the client based on the type of exception thrown, which feature of ASP.NET Core would you leverage?
- Exception Filters
- Middleware Pipelines
- Custom Error Pages
- Middleware Components
To customize the response sent back to the client based on the type of exception thrown, you would leverage ASP.NET Core's Exception Filters. Exception Filters allow you to intercept exceptions, inspect their type or properties, and then modify the HTTP response accordingly. This is a powerful feature for fine-grained control over error handling and response generation.
When dealing with the "Database First" approach in EF Core, which command is often used to scaffold the database structure?
- Scaffold-Database
- Update-Database
- Add-Migration
- Scaffold-Model
In the "Database First" approach, developers typically use the "Scaffold-Database" command to reverse engineer the database structure and generate corresponding entity classes in Entity Framework Core. This command helps in creating the model based on an existing database.
Which of the following best describes the "Code First" approach in Entity Framework Core?
- Database schema is generated from the code
- Code is generated from an existing database schema
- No code is required for database operations
- Code is generated from a UML diagram
The "Code First" approach in Entity Framework Core involves generating the database schema from the code. Developers define their data models as C# classes, and EF Core creates the database schema based on these classes and their relationships. This approach is ideal for developers who want to start with their object model and have the database schema generated automatically.
Which method in the DbContext class is typically overridden to configure model entities and relationships?
- OnModelCreating
- OnConfiguring
- OnEntityConfiguring
- ConfigureModel
To configure model entities and relationships in Entity Framework Core, developers often override the "OnModelCreating" method in the DbContext class. This method allows for fluent API configuration and specifying entity relationships, indexes, and more.
While going through an ASP.NET Core project, you come across HTML-like elements with attributes prefixed by asp-. What are these elements likely related to?
- External JavaScript files
- Server-side form controls and actions
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Images and multimedia content
HTML-like elements with attributes prefixed by asp- are likely related to server-side form controls and actions. These are used to integrate server-side functionality, such as form validation and data binding, into Razor views.
In a scenario where you have both UseStaticFiles() and UseDefaultFiles() in your Startup.cs, which one should be called first to ensure the default document is correctly served?
- UseStaticFiles()
- UseDefaultFiles()
- It doesn't matter, the order is irrelevant
- UseFileServer()
UseDefaultFiles() should be called before UseStaticFiles() to ensure that default documents (e.g., index.html) are correctly served. UseDefaultFiles() configures the middleware to look for and serve the default documents, and UseStaticFiles() serves static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images. The order is important because UseStaticFiles() might intercept the request before UseDefaultFiles() has a chance to locate and serve the default document.