Suppose you're asked to write a function in R that takes a vector of numbers and applies a mathematical operation (like squaring or taking the square root) to each number. The mathematical operation itself should also be a function, nested within your main function. How would you do it?

  • function_name <- function(numbers, operation) { result <- sapply(numbers, operation); return(result) }
  • function_name <- function(numbers, operation) { result <- lapply(numbers, operation); return(result) }
  • function_name <- function(numbers, operation) { result <- vapply(numbers, operation, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)); return(result) }
  • All of the above
To write a function in R that takes a vector of numbers and applies a mathematical operation (like squaring or taking the square root) to each number, with the mathematical operation itself nested within the main function, you can use the following code: function_name <- function(numbers, operation) { result <- sapply(numbers, operation); return(result) }. The sapply() function is used to apply the operation function to each element in the numbers vector, and the result is returned.
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