Imagine you need to calculate the average of all the numbers in a list using a for loop in R. How would you do this?

  • total <- 0; count <- 0; for (num in list) { total <- total + num; count <- count + 1 }; average <- total / count;
  • average <- 0; for (num in list) { average <- average + num / length(list) }
  • average <- 0; count <- 0; for (num in list) { average <- (average * count + num) / (count + 1); count <- count + 1 }
  • average <- sum(list) / length(list)
To calculate the average of all the numbers in a list using a for loop, you can initialize variables total and count to 0. Then, iterate over each number in the list, updating total by adding the current number and incrementing count by 1. Finally, calculate the average by dividing total by count.
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