Explain how you would handle a scenario where you need to read a very large file in Go without exhausting system memory.

  • Using a combination of techniques, such as reading the file in chunks, using a scanner with a custom buffer size, or memory-mapped files.
  • Reading the entire file into memory and processing it in smaller portions.
  • Increasing the system's memory allocation for the process.
  • Splitting the file into smaller files before reading it.
To handle reading a very large file in Go without exhausting system memory, you should use techniques that involve processing the file in smaller portions or chunks. You can achieve this by reading the file in chunks using a loop, using a scanner with a custom buffer size, or utilizing memory-mapped files. These approaches help minimize memory consumption and allow you to process large files efficiently without running out of memory resources. Reading the entire file into memory is not recommended for large files as it can lead to memory exhaustion.
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