How does the .NET SDK relate to the .NET runtime in the context of application development and deployment?

  • The .NET SDK includes tools for building, testing, and publishing .NET applications, while the .NET runtime is required to execute those applications.
  • The .NET SDK and .NET runtime are two different names for the same set of libraries and tools used for .NET development and deployment.
  • The .NET SDK provides a runtime environment for .NET applications.
  • The .NET runtime is used only for debugging .NET applications developed with the SDK.
The .NET SDK includes tools for building, testing, and publishing .NET applications, while the .NET runtime is required to execute those applications. In other words, the SDK is used during development to create applications, and the runtime is needed on the target system to run them. This separation allows developers to build applications that can be run on systems where the full SDK is not needed, such as production servers.
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