You've noticed that the webpage styles are not being applied correctly. How would you debug the issues related to external and internal stylesheets linked or defined in the head section?

  • All external stylesheets should be moved to the body section. 
  • Checking the media attribute of the tag. 
  • Reordering the tags for CSS files. 
  • Verifying the path in the href attribute of the tag. 
If styles are not being applied, it's important to verify that the path to the external stylesheet is correct. An incorrect href attribute can lead to the stylesheet not being found or loaded. Reordering might affect specificity, but it won't typically prevent styles from being applied entirely. The media attribute can limit styles to specific devices, but if it's not set, it shouldn't prevent styles from being loaded. Moving stylesheets to the body isn't a best practice and doesn't address the core issue. 
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