How can the type of numbering in an ordered list be changed (e.g., Roman numerals, alphabets, etc.)?

  • Using the list-style-type CSS property. 
  • With the type attribute on the
    1. By applying a class to the
    2. elements. 
    3. Both 1 and 2. 
To change the type of numbering in an ordered list, you can either use the type attribute on the

    tag or the list-style-type CSS property. The type attribute can have values like 'A', 'a', 'I', 'i', '1', etc., while the list-style-type CSS property offers even more options like 'upper-roman', 'lower-alpha', etc. Therefore, both methods can be used to change the list's numbering style, with the CSS approach offering more flexibility and being more modern. 
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