On a recipe website, you need to list the ingredients and steps separately and also allow for a nested list under some of the steps. How would you utilize ordered and unordered lists to structure the content?

  • Use
    for ingredients and steps with nested

    for nested lists. 
  • Use
      for ingredients and

        for steps. 
      • Use
          for steps and

            for ingredients, with nested

              under steps when necessary. 
            • Use only
                for both ingredients and steps. 
              For a recipe, the order of steps is critical, so

                (ordered list) is the best choice. For ingredients, since the order is typically not as vital,

                  (unordered list) is more appropriate. In cases where a step may have sub-steps or additional details, a nested

                    can be used under the primary

                      to maintain clarity and structure. 
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